It’s a sad fact that even one veteran in America today is homeless; unfortunately, more often than not, those homeless veterans are also diagnosed with serious disabilities. According to Public Service Degrees, up to 7,500 of those will be diagnosed with PTSD while also being homeless, a condition that in itself will only exacerbate mental health symptoms. Providing foundations to these people is an ethical imperative, especially as security and settlement can help to effectively combat PTSD.

Housing and health

The connection between improved mental health and a sense of home is one that the government relies on; SAMHSA notes how a good home can help those with mental health conditions obtain long-term improvements in their wellbeing. There are plenty of schemes on offer for veterans; many will qualify for a VA loan, even with poor credit. For those with limited financial resources, there are homelessness prevention schemes popping up throughout the USA. It’s important that they are pointed in the right direction – a home is the first step in recovery.

The community

Veterans often feel alienated in society, and especially so if they come from a disruptive family. A sense of community can be very important to reintegration into civilian life and also for PTSD recovery. One study published by the JAMA Network found that community-based therapy and interaction had a good impact on those recovering from PTSD and lifelong management. Including and being welcoming to veterans is crucial.

Improved prospects

According to, job prospects are at a low ebb for veterans. The skills currently being taught in the military don’t often make the grade, and educational facilities have experienced a poor level of service over the past couple of years. Access to gainful employment and volunteering can help veterans to resocialize after years in the armed forces and can help to provide a real sense of purpose to civilian life. Providing these opportunities is kill, as is providing the skills to create lifelong training for employment, not just short-term stopgaps.

Bringing these three tracts together is difficult, but can be achieved where communities come together. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD are one of the most disadvantaged groups in the country, but they’re also one of the most at-need. Providing at minimum solid foundations will ensure that they have the best possible chance of recovery.