Your oral health is associated with your overall health. To make it simple, if you don’t stay on top of your oral health, it can and will have some sort of effect on your body. That’s beside the fact that dental issues aren’t exactly a joy for anyone. Here’s a quick look at some of the conditions and treatments for them that might be offered by your dentist.


Scaling and teeth cleaning focus on removing any debris that may have built up on your teeth. No matter if you’re at a dentist in Geneva or anywhere else, this is typically done by the hygienist in the dental office. This debris may have built up into either a soft plaque that’s the growth of bacteria or a hard calculus, called tartar. These are the main causes of gum disease. Basically, this is a more in-depth type of cleaning than what you can do at home.


There are some instances where the tooth and jaw positions aren’t exactly normal. This requires a special type of dentist – an orthodontist. These conditions can include things like protruding teeth, tooth crowding, over or underbites, crooked teeth, and more. The doctor might use a number of devices to correct the issue.


There are times when tooth decay can cause a cavity or hole in your tooth. A dental filling will be performed in order to treat this. In this procedure, the dentist will utilize a drill and give the cavity a good cleaning before drying it out. Then, the cavity would be filled with a sealing material that might be any number of colors or materials. 

Root Canal

In this type of treatment, a tooth that’s damaged, or the damaged pulp inside the tooth, will be replaced with a dental filling material. The pulp in your teeth is actually a sensitive nerve or tissue that’s responsible for providing a tooth with nourishment. If there’s any sort of decay or trauma, that pulp can become infected and a root canal needs to be done in order to replace it and prevent any more damage. During a root canal, the dentist will use a drill to remove the pulp before cleaning and packing the area with filling material. Then, the dentist will cover the entire thing with a crown or cap the same color as the tooth. This cover will protect the tooth from further damage.

Dental Fissure Sealant

If you have a tooth that’s damaged because of decay, it can sometimes be treated with sealants. In a procedure such as this, the sealant, a liquid solution, will be painted onto the surface of a clean tooth using dental tools. This sealant acts as a sort of durable material that essentially creates a physical barrier that can stop bacteria and food particles from gathering in the fissure of your tooth. It protects the tooth from further decay.

Procedures like cleanings, fillings, root canals, and dental fissure sealants are performed by top dentists all over the world. These treatments are done using the most modern tools and techniques in the best dental offices. That means that no matter what the procedure is, there’s minimal pain and discomfort. If you’re facing any sort of issue with your teeth, gums, or mouth, schedule a trip to your dentist. However, you can minimize these visits with twice-yearly checkups and maintaining proper oral hygiene. This lowers the risk of your developing any dental or oral issues and keeps you healthy for longer.