A website for medicine is an online resource that focuses on health, treatment, pharmacology, or health equipment. The customers of such Internet portals can be any organizations from the healthcare sector. When developing medical websites, you need to take into account several features of the medical website design, and promotion of IT projects in this industry.

Features of designing websites for medicine

Convenient navigation

Users should quickly find the information they need. Thus, the clinic’s website should have two main navigation menus: work and administrative. Visitors will be able to familiarize themselves with your services using the work menu. The administrative menu gives access to information for personnel.

Hierarchical structure

When working on a website project, it is important to think over a competent structure of sections and pages. Try to create a clear hierarchy. This will be the basis for convenient navigation, improving user-friendliness.

Service specification

It is important to create a separate web page for each service you provide. A haphazard description of various kinds of services on one page complicates the search for information.

Optimizing images

High-quality visual content – is a must. It will make your healthcare website stand out from the competition and increase customer confidence. But, large, high-resolution photos can slow down page loading and degrade user-friendliness. So, you should pay special attention to image optimization. To do this, try to configure compression of images without loss of quality.


Uniform style

A harmonious and consistent design means that the institution cares about its image and reputation. All pages of your online resource should be designed in the same style. Our designers will think over the visual identity of your brand and make sure that your site looks harmonious and professional.

Clear calls to action

CTAs or calls to action are site elements that encourage visitors to order a service or sign up for a consultation. The good integration of CTA into the site interface increases the conversion of leads into regular customers.

Features of the design of the website of medical services

Compliance with best UX practices.

The interface of your site should first of all be user-friendly and help users complete the targeted action. The main functions, such as making an appointment and logging into the personal account, should be available with the least number of clicks.

Brand identity

The site should be designed in the corporate style of your organization. A unified design at all points of interaction between the client and the company contributes to the formation of brand awareness. Among these points can be the website, social networks, interiors of offices and buildings.


Images grab attention much more than text. Photography is a powerful web design tool that helps build trust in your brand. Three tips: photos should be taken by a professional photographer, harmoniously integrated into the site interface, and optimized for high loading speed.

3D tour

The 3D tour is an interactive format that simulates walking through the hallways of your organization. It is created using a special 360° photo editing technology. Virtual three-dimensional tours are already actively used to create websites for clinics. To perform such a feature, it’s better to address professionals from web design and development services as for beginners this can be quite difficult.


Medical websites need to provide users with proof of qualifications. Thus, it is worth making a separate page with high-resolution scanned copies of certificates. It will also strengthen your SEO rankings. Google checks health-related sites for EAT – expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.


The interactive, animated design will make your site memorable and help build an emotional connection with users. Smooth animations and “live” backgrounds engage visitors more than regular static pages.