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Antenatal care is a fundamental component of any healthcare business, and this is something that we have to remember is not just a purely medical approach, but it’s about providing that proper human relationship between the patient and the provider. What does it take to incorporate effective antenatal care, right from the very beginning?

Appropriate Support at the Point of the Scan

The ultrasound scan is the most anxiety-inducing part of the pregnancy for many. It’s at this point where they are going to see the baby for the first time, or if they have had any concerns, this is when the realities will soon become apparent. It can be a very intimidating environment. All of the technology, from the wireless ultrasound probe devices to the darkened room can make expectant mothers feel on edge. By providing great care at the point of scanning gives the mother-to-be a far happier approach, not just to the scan itself, but to the entire pregnancy.

A Holistic Approach to Care

Care throughout the entire pregnancy is not just about the symptoms like morning sickness, but it’s also about the mental health of the patient. In order to provide a properly caring practice, we have to incorporate a holistic approach to care. It isn’t just about the medical aspects, but about making sure that the patient feels mentally secure. The raging hormones of any expected mother can make them feel isolated, insecure, and above all else, scared. By providing a holistic approach, it helps expectant mothers feel more secure in the entire process, but it also builds trust between the patient and the provider.

Counseling and Mental Health Support

Providing mental health support throughout the pregnancy and afterward is vital. With the rise of postpartum depression and the various symptoms that are seemingly not being treated, it’s understandable why mothers do not feel supported by many healthcare organizations. On the other side of things, there are many mothers who do not feel supported if they experience a miscarriage. Many mothers feel that they are turfed out the door, and are left to deal with the problem by themselves. This is why we have to provide a comprehensive approach to dealing with mental health issues relating to pregnancy and miscarriage. 

Additionally, we also have to help with regard to the early development of the child. Pregnancy is one piece of the puzzle of course, and if we can provide a solid foundation to helping others feel supported throughout this part, it will foster trust between the patient and the healthcare provider, but it also focuses on the human aspect. It’s so easy to become blindsided by the financial aspects, especially as we are running a business. But we’ve got to work on providing a holistic approach to antenatal care.

The nature of running any healthcare business means that we’ve got to become more streamlined and effective in our workloads. And while it is so important to become more efficient in our practices, this is often to the detriment of the human components. The overall feeling that underpins our practice is what will foster trust overall. It is so important that we don’t neglect this.

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