Everyone gets the occasional scrape, cut, or even gash once in a while. Learning how to heal a wound is important if you want to give yourself the best chance of avoiding scars!
Your body wants to heal. As soon as you get wounded, your body starts working to patch up the injury with collagen!
That doesn’t mean that you can’t help the process along. Keep reading to learn some top wound healing advice so you can help your skin repair itself fast.
Stop Bleeding in Its Tracks
When you first get a scrape, cut, or another type of wound, you’re going to bleed. Bleeding will stop on its own as long as you don’t have a clotting disorder, but it can take a while, especially if the wound is in a high-movement area.
As your wound bleeds, red blood cells are working together to form a clot. Collagen attracts platelets to help repair your skin and create a barrier so you’re able to heal.
When you have a scab, make sure that you don’t pick or rub at it. This will slow your healing process and can lead to scarring.
If you need to stop the bleeding right away, or if you’re worried about too much blood loss from a larger wound, check out this product that can stop your bleeding more quickly. It even works for people who are on blood thinners or anticoagulants.
Use Aloe
Everyone knows about the healing powers of aloe when it comes to soothing sunburn, but did you know that it can also be good for wound care?
If you buy aloe vera gel from a store, make sure that you opt for one that doesn’t include alcohol. Alcohol can be too harsh and drying for wounds as they heal.
Aloe vera is great for keeping a wound moisturized without soaking it. It contains vitamins and minerals that can facilitate the healing process and reduce inflammation.
If you like aloe, consider keeping an aloe vera plant. These plants are hardy and easy to take care of. Because they’re part of the cactus family, they don’t need much water (but they do like to be in sunlight).
Try Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is another great choice for at-home wound healing. Coconut oil has been touted as somewhat of a miracle product over the past few years. It’s not as incredible as people like to say, but you can use it for more than cooking.
Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties. It contains essential fatty acids that are great for healing wounds more quickly.
It can also help your wound stay hydrated. It acts as a barrier to giving your body some wound-healing help.
Buy Antibacterial Ointment
If you need more than what pantry items can provide, consider buying some antibacterial healing ointment at any local pharmacy or grocery store.
Studies suggest that antibacterial ointment, along with keeping your wound clean and safe, can also help facilitate faster healing! If you notice that one of your wounds is taking a long time to heal, consider trying antibacterial ointment to see if it helps.
Keep It Safe
This is tricky. When it comes to wounds, you both want to keep them dry and moisturized. This might sound impossible.
Whenever you need to get in the shower or bathtub, keep your wound covered. You can use saran wrap, bandages, or even healing adhesive sheets like Saniderm.
You don’t want to keep the wound too dry though. There’s common misinformation that you need to let wounds breathe if you want them to heal. This isn’t true.
When you let a wound dry out too much, it won’t be able to heal as quickly. Your body needs to retain moisture to do its healing magic.
Using a healing adhesive will keep a wound moisturized, but if it’s a small wound, this isn’t necessary. You could use a bandage and put ointment, aloe, or oil on the wound periodically.
If you want super-fast healing, try using a healing ointment like Aquaphor, or petroleum jelly, to coat the wound. These products trap moisture and create a sticky barrier around the wound.
Cover the ointment or jelly with a bandage. If the wound is on your feet or hands, consider covering it with socks or gloves while you can. This is one of the top wound-healing tips.
Improve Your Diet
Your body is working hard to heal your wound. When you fuel your body right, you’ll have an easier time!
Make sure that you’re eating enough protein while you’re trying to heal. Protein is what your body uses to form new tissue. This will allow your body to heal more quickly.
You also want to make sure that you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. When your body is struggling to do even the most basic day-to-day functions, it won’t be able to devote enough energy to your wound.
You should also keep an eye on your blood sugar. High blood sugar can cause delays in healing.
While a good diet might not make an obvious change in wound healing, it is helping beneath the surface.
Healing a Wound: Do It the Right Way
Your body wants to heal, and for most people, healing a wound won’t take any added effort. That said, wounds that struggle to heal can cause unsightly scars and added discomfort.
When you’re healing a minor wound at home, follow these tips to facilitate faster healing. if you have a wound that refuses to heal, see a doctor make sure that you don’t get an infection.
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