Technology has expanded significantly over the last few years. The medical industry is actively adopting new innovations to provide better treatment to patients and improve internal procedures.

SaaS stands for Software-as-a-Service. Gartner, Inc. defines SaaS as software that is owned, delivered, and managed remotely by one or more providers. The provider delivers software based on one set of common code and data definitions that is consumed in a one-to-many model by all contracted customers at any time on a pay-for-use basis or as a subscription-based on use metrics.

In these trying times, all of the industries require a certain amount of adaptiveness to technological innovation. Yes, it is kind of intimidating being in the cloud but Healthcare SaaS is continuously taking off in the medical industry.

Healthcare Software-as-a-Service model may have some challenging areas for healthcare providers but it is still disputable. The end-users can connect directly to medical software via a designated online portal and get billed using subscription fees. They can also do this on their EMR.

Let us start with the numbers. The global healthcare cloud computing market expects to generate 61.84 billion US dollars by 2025. The integration of software in the medical industry is a revolution of sorts. With the pandemic revealing loopholes in the healthcare sector, this revolution is imperative.

At the heart of this revolution is the emergence and growth of Software as a Service (SaaS). In today’s world, IT consulting firms can be completed with just a few clicks. Most have evolved to provide quality cloud computing services.

Strict regulations are now being applied to enable SaaS in the medical industry. SaaS providers with firewalls, blockchain technology, and more are now reliable.

Electronic HIE – Health Information exchange

 A long-term problem in the medical field was information exchange. With the advent of electronic medical records, logistics problems have become a hassle. However, public sector health service providers do not accommodate this. There is a factor of fear. Iders enable HIE to run using cloud computing. Smooth migration of files and records improves productivity. And these improvements are also possible in the public health sector.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Medical education is immortal. Extensive education takes several years with experiential learning. Besides, there is the rapid development of technical standards. Calling to keep updated is another protracting process. To solve this problem, a cloud-based LMS is key. This allows medical professionals to learn and educate themselves. Nevertheless, he rarely compromises in his work as a professional.

LMS uses SaaS to support continuing education (CE) of healthcare professionals. It can comply with industry standards. LMS can be customized. From beginners to experienced physicians, adjustment of the LMS is possible at the individual level.

LMS aligns an individual’s learning schedule with a commitment to being a professional. This reduces the scope of the breach, while at Agents are guided by the organizational policies and procedures as well as unarticulated expertise and experience that reside within individual workers (Wickramasinghe, Gupta & Sharma, 2005). e time conducive to learning.

Agents and Knowledge

Humans are information-based agents who operate in a particular environment, and “every member of society must have a great deal of knowledge about participating in and managing society” (Giddens, 1984). In this case, Khorasani et al. (2012) thus believe that cooperation with agents within the medical institution is essential and important to the quality of treatment provided.

Structure In ST

Structure rules and resources as defined by Giddens (1984). Through action, rules and resources are used to create and reproduce social systems. These rules and resources are what connect social relationships and mediate in the sense that actors will use them to create, maintain, or transform relationships between time and space. In order to utilize rules or resources, the agent needs to be aware. According to Giddens (1984), the structure is the medium of the process, and it is also the result. The most important application of ST is to recognize structures and institutions in interdependence-based relationships and inseparable duality. Therefore, human behavior is activated and restricted by structure, and structure is also the result of human behavior.


We investigated how knowledge using the case study approach described by Yin (2009) is acquired, used, and managed in the medical environment due to its exploratory nature. The information used in this study was collected within 6 months. This was done through active observation and participation in the processes and activities of the organization. We also participated in the research through interviews with organizational experts and 19 semi-structured administrative managers. The observation method was adopted, and the reaction method to the activity was expressed. It was also thought that those observations would be helpful in research to witness surgeries that sometimes differ in theoretical expression. The organization used in this study is a South African health care provider. Organizations prefer to remain anonymous for the confidentiality of their services to the general public. For the code of ethics in which the study was conducted, we chose to remain silent about this rule in order to understand how practitioners verbalize the name of the organization.