Stem cell therapy and translational stem cell research are the two most revolutionary and advanced concepts in the world of science today. These scientific revolutions require an extensive supply of stem cells at the highest purity and viability. So, different specific stem cell separation technologies play a significant role here. The technologies like the PXP are transforming the entire scenario today with high stem cell concentrate and minimum residual contamination. Advancement of stem cell separation techniques is now happening worldwide for different effective clinical and research applications of stem cells.  


Although stem cells are nothing new to researchers as they have been discovered more than three decades ago, the procedure of sorting them was limited to only large institutional core facilities till a few years ago. But with time, the scenario has changed and stem cell researchers now can leverage the power of benchtop cell sorters and automated cell sorting technologies for their ability to improve results.


The remarkable potential of stem cells to renew themselves and differentiate into many different types of cells is the most unique one. These two features of stem cells are responsible for distinguishing them from other cell types and that’s the reason they are so important for researchers. Thanks to advanced technology like the PXP SYSTEM, isolation of stem cells has become an easy and effective episode for today’s scientists and clinicians. Undoubtedly, stem cells are a great hope for treating chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Keeping the role of these unique cells in regenerative medicine and normal physiology in mind, there is an increased need to develop effective techniques that can result in highly pure stem cell populations in a simple, flexible, and easy to use way. 


In stem cell research, cell sorting plays a significant role as it allows the separation of cells based on their intracellular and extracellular properties along with DNA, RNA, size, surface protein expression, etc. What happens in cell sorting during stem cell research is that the population of cells is passed in the form of a steady stream of individual cells through an electronic detection apparatus. This works along with a laser beam and analyses the cells based on the physical and chemical characteristics of the same. After a thorough analysis is done, it indicates to the instrument whether viable stem cells are present in the sample, and based on that, the cells are either sorted or discarded. Cell sorting was considered a complex and expensive method in the past that would require special training. But with the advent of user-friendly, effective, and personalized benchtop cell sorters, the scenario has changed remarkably. With the help of these, stem cell researchers can quickly and easily learn how to efficiently sort stem cells from a huge population of cells in a sample.


So it is evident that effective cell separation techniques play a significant role in stem cell research as it confirms the primary step of identifying the viable stem cells in such a way that effective research can be carried out with them, having the potential to take the world of therapeutic and medicine to the next level. 

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