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Now more than ever people are going to be looking to keep on top of their health and focus on getting themselves in a fitter state while also looking at preventative care. The global pandemic has certainly caused a panic and a lot of people are wanting to not only avoid getting ill from the pandemic but also improve their immunity so they don’t pick up other bugs and diseases as well. The pandemic has also shown how much our hospitals and the health industry struggled with dealing with the pandemic being unable to treat and maintain the outbreaks. It has put a lot of pressure on them and caused a big stir in how they are being managed and planning for the future. It was not something people were expecting to spread as much and as quickly as it did. 

Learn From Mistakes

We are only human, mistakes happen but when those mistakes can cause the loss of lives it is something that can’t happen. It needs to be reviewed, assessed, and constantly worked on so the mistakes that happen are minuscule. The hospitals must look at where they struggled particularly, how it happened and how things can be improved to help prevent it from happening again. A big issue that arose with this pandemic was the lack of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that the hospitals and staff had. There were points they had to share equipment that should be disposable and thrown away after one use. Keeping an eye on their stock and having a backup bulk ready for if it is needed like this again is one way they can deal with it. 

Having Enough Equipment 

When pandemics happen you need a lot more equipment in a short space of time so you will struggle to order it in and have it delivered if you already have patients waiting and needing it there and then. So make sure that you have spares for things you use regularly like patient monitor parts so that they are always on hand and they are easily accessible. 

Have A Dedicated Team Of Experts

While this pandemic has been going on, there have been people who have learned more, specialized, and been at the heart of the pandemic helping things improve, moving things along, and helping prevent the spread within the hospitals. There are experts in the field of pandemics and fast-spreading diseases and viruses which are causing so much trouble. Having a dedicated pandemic team who are able to put new policies in place, keep an eye on things that are happening around the world, and regularly meet to improve how the hospital is dealing with things happening and how they would cope if it happened again is very important. It doesn’t have to be their only role; it could be that they are also a nurse or a surgeon or doctor but also have this specialist side which can benefit the hospital and its preparedness. They can be the disaster coordination team that all hospitals can benefit from.

Keep In Touch With Other Neighbouring Hospitals

One of the things that a lot of hospitals can do at the start of a pandemic was to monitor how things were going outside of their area. With the rate this last one was spreading and showing how quickly viruses can spread in the population it will be beneficial to keep an eye on what is going on around you. If you see a spike in neighboring hospitals with admissions with a certain illness which could be another pandemic they can start to prepare for increased patients, making sure they have enough equipment and protective equipment to deal with what could potentially happen rather than constantly struggling to keep up as they did with Covid-19. 

Have Enough Staff Available For Increased Patients

As a lot of staff had to be pulled from their normal jobs and thrown into other areas and care it slowed down a lot of other areas with progressing with everything else that was going on. With a pandemic happening it doesn’t mean that other illnesses and injuries have stopped. By not having enough staff to cover another potential pandemic it can mean that other areas are understaffed, patients are waiting longer to be seen which can sometimes even worsen their conditions. They can look to recruit more staff with flexible shifts, incentives for joining the medical industry, and investing more in the staff they have with better pay and benefits. 

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