In the 21st century, we are lucky to see such an advancement in medical technology. So many lifesaving, quality-of-life-improving advancements are being discovered every year.

And thanks to the doctors, scientists, and engineers developing this technology, we all get to benefit by leading better lives.

But it’s not just the glamorous medical technology that matters, such as better, more affordable prosthetics or new life-saving surgeries. Healthcare IT plays a huge role in making healthcare better for everyone.

Wondering what some of the top uses for IT in the healthcare world are? Keep reading to find out.

  1. Health Record Digitalization

Both doctors and patients benefit immensely from the digitalization of health records. Electronic health records, or EHR, boost efficiency in treating and diagnosing patients.

If you have to be seen by multiple providers, it provides a way of records following patients wherever they go. This allows your current physician to always see what is going on with a patient.

It allows patients to access helpful information at any time.

For example, if you have visited a vaccine provider and later on need records of the vaccine received and when it’s always accessible.

  1. Telehealth Services

When it comes to the most important healthcare IT development, many would argue that telehealth services are high on the list as a result of the 2020 pandemic.

While a high point was reached in the middle of 2020, the ongoing demand for virtual healthcare will remain high. Many non-emergency issues can be handled via video conferences with your physician.

This helps to provide accessible and affordable healthcare. It’s critical for those who might not be able to easily visit an office.

  1. Internet of Medical Things

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is revolutionizing healthcare. Using medical devices, apps, and wireless technology, information about a patient’s condition can be tracked and sent to their healthcare provider.

The transfer of data is private and secure. And it helps to prevent patients from making unnecessary doctor visits. This also helps to relieve the burden faced by busy doctors today.

Devices can include wearable technology such as fitness or sleep trackers. But it can also include clinical-grade technology. This might be hip-preserving smart belts or brain-stimulating headsets.

  1. Virtual Reality

When it comes to IT for medicine, you wouldn’t think virtual reality is relevant. However, it’s not about entertainment.

Advances in VR technology are actually allowing doctors and students to practice rare procedures. Procedures like this may only come around once or twice a year, so there is little option for live practice.

But training for when the time comes proves vital. Thanks to VR and augmented reality technology, surgeons can be even more equipped.

  1. Wearable Technology

Wearable healthcare technology is not limited to sending information to your healthcare provider. It allows individuals to monitor their own health, helping them to stay healthy and prevent unnecessary doctor visits.

For example, if you need to keep your heart rate under a certain number when exercising, a wearable heart rate monitor is crucial.

If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, it can lead to many health problems. Wearable technology can track your sleep and help provide recommendations for sleeping better.

Healthcare IT for the Benefit of All

Better healthcare IT gives healthcare providers the opportunity to work more efficiently. Ultimately, it means better care to us all. While IT is often in the background, unseen by most people, it proves a crucial segment of the healthcare industry.

Want to read more about healthcare IT? Check out other articles on our blog today.