Seasonal weather changes cause a lot of disruption in our lives. While we enjoy the seasons at their height, the transition periods can throw our lives into disarray. One of the most irksome effects the changing weather has is on our health. There are so many changes that happen in our bodies because of the changes in the seasons.

From hay fever to colds, the weather can seriously impact our day to day lives. If we want to avoid this negative impact on our daily lives, we need to know how the climate affects us and how to guard against them. To put this knowledge into practice, we need to monitor the weather. So how does the weather affect our health?


Ever notice a sudden increase in headaches clustered around certain times? If you’ve run from pillar to post to find a solution, you might be surprised to find the solution in barometric pressure. Changes in barometric pressure affect your blood supply. Your body’s blood supply is very susceptible to changes in barometric pressure.

Thus, when the barometric pressure goes down during weather changes, it gets difficult for our blood vessels to pump blood. This makes the blood vessels dilate. Unfortunately, this sudden increase in blood pressure can trigger a headache. Headaches have no cure, so preventing headache becomes more difficult. All you can do is get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

Hay Fever

One of the most universal weather changes that happen across the world is the coming of spring. Spring is not just a pivotal process, it is a natural process as well. Spring heralds pollination where nature all over the world produces and spreads seeds for a new generation. While pollination is an extremely necessary part of our ecosystem, it also signals hay fever season.

The spores of different flowers and shrubs get released into the atmosphere to get transported by the wind. While this is necessary to make the vegetables and fruits for us to eat, this causes a lot of allergies in humans. If you have hay fever, you should keep an eye on an accurate weather forecast like Climacell’s forecast to check for high winds. High winds spread more spores around, so you get a more intense reaction.

There are also a few extra steps you can take to prevent seasonal allergies. Check for the spore index in your local area and avoid going out when the spore count is high. If you go out during hay fever season, make sure you dispose of the clothes you were wearing properly. Take a long, hot shower to wash off any spores sticking to your skin to avoid triggering an attack inside the house. You could also look into protective eyewear to prevent the spores from getting into your system through your eyes.


The flu is a viral infection that people get when it changes from summer to winter. In places with the monsoon, the sudden drops in temperature and wet conditions can also lead to people developing flu. Influenza has not been taken seriously by many, but it still kills between 12,000 to 16,000 people every year since 2010. It also costs people and companies hundreds in lost productivity annually.

Viral infections are difficult to treat. Instead, you can prevent them by taking steps to increase your immunity with a healthy diet and exercise regime. You can also wear a mask while in public during flu season, wash your hands frequently, and avoid coming in direct contact with infected individuals. If you get the flu, make sure you get lots of rest and stay hydrated till the flu runs its course.

Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression is also known as a seasonal affective disorder or SAD. This is when a person’s depression is triggered by the change in seasons. The most common time seasonal affective disorder manifests is during fall. The disease intensifies during the winter months before getting better during the summer. A less common way time it manifests is during spring and summer.

Light therapy has been shown to be extremely useful when dealing with seasonal depression. When you feel symptoms coming on, you should extend the time you spend outdoors so that you get enough time in the sun. Spending more time outdoors will also increase how much exercise you are getting, which also helps alleviate symptoms. Finally, you should also increase how much time you are spending with friends.