Many people look at traditional ways when it comes to academics. Blackboards, lecture halls seem so familiar that going high-tech feels more like a nuisance. The fact seems to take providence, especially in subjects like psychology. Isn’t it? However, technology is becoming more and more prevalent in education, specifically when educational institutions are forced to shut down amidst the coronavirus crisis.

Technology advancements have not only introduced new treatment options. It’s also impacting the dissemination of knowledge. From college campus to treatment methodologies, technology is changing the dynamics around the psychology study.

Whether you wish to pursue a career as a counselor or as an organizational psychologist, missing out on technological trends can affect your career advancement opportunities. To those who are still new to this phenomenon, let’s have a look at some of the technological changes in the field of psychology.

Online Education is Booming

With COVID-19 putting a halt on an individual’s everyday needs, it is no longer possible to receive education the old-fashioned way. Similarly, colleges and universities providing psychology degree have also taken the internet route to perform a plethora of tasks. This could be taking anything from taking a class to sharing technical information with students.

A lot of educational programs are trying to adapt psychology and technology to address the unique connection between psychology and technology. A majority of institutions are using this approach to decipher the interactions between complex systems and people.

Technologies like PowerPoint, Zoom, and other collaboration tools are transforming how we organize, synthesize, and present information to students. Not only that, the same technology is helping to get access to databases filled with academic journals that used to take countless hours before.

“Big Data” is Driving New Psychology Niches

With big data taking over the world, there have been many improvements in reviewing and analyzing behavioral variables. This possibility has given rise to a few branches of Psychology that were not possible earlier. For example, neuroeconomics or neuromarketing is allowing researchers to study human behavior. In this, treatments are designed based on the understanding of reaction time and circumstances.

Computerized Tests Are Replacing Traditional Pen and Paper Analysis

Gone are the days when psychologists performed tests using a pen or paper. With websites and mobile applications taking over the world, psychologists are readily using them to help their patients as per their convenience.

The importance is given to formulating a proper questionnaire and interview structure to deduce the issues correctly. This reduces the risk of wrong interpretation or diagnosis. Hence, the treatment therapy offered has higher success rates than before.

Technology-integrated Treatment Options Are Becoming Popular

The traditional face-to-face therapy is no longer viable with whatever is happening now. Plus, patients are giving convenience far more important than they used to before. Technology is helping psychologists to put the convenience of their clients at the top. For instance, teletherapy, digital apps, and other alternative treatment options are growing in popularity. Let’s take them one by one to understand better.


It’s a solution where providers can consult their clients using a video conferencing app. This helps psychologists understand body language, tone, and other nuances in a much better way.

Mobile Apps

This is yet another way to conduct teletherapy sessions or to provide self-help and online support 24/7. The majority of these options use cognitive-behavioral principles to educate their clients about various mental health disorders.

Other Treatment Options

Using virtual reality and AI, psychologists can mimic different environments to understand the underlying cause of a mental health issue in an individual. So, these technologies help them predict behavior and eventually recommend a course of action that could help them get back on track.

In fact, technologies like electronic stress assistants help doctors decode stress levels in their client’s everyday lives. The idea is to help clients get aware of their stress issues. Other than that, many software solutions allow students pursuing psychology as a career option to monitor different variables that negatively impact human minds.

To Sum, it All

Technology is advancing at a faster rate, especially since COVID-19 presented so many concerns. Undoubtedly, psychology is not immune to such changes as well. Especially when these technological advances are allowing students and researchers to obtain larger samples that were otherwise challenging.

New technologies make it easier to get accurate information that’s easily reproducible. In short, technology is driving new educational reforms, assessment, and treatment strategies that are convenient and affordable.

More than anything, it’s driving students to take up the psychology career paths which never felt promising before.