Over the years, mental health has emerged as a vital concern for the global population, regardless of their age and the wall of life they come from. With stress and anxiety being rampant, it is easy to fall prey to mental health issues. Psychological healthcare is, therefore, in high demand as patients look for professional help to deal with their problems. The growth of the industry, coupled with the current pandemic crisis, has led to the increasing adoption of telehealth in this segment. The remote patient care service is, in fact, poised to change mental healthcare, just as it has transformed the physical healthcare segment. Let us explain the potential of this technology for these patients and practitioners.
Convenience and easy accessibility
Telehealth has brought the best services to the doorstep of the patients, making them far more convenient and accessible ever before. Patients can get help anywhere and anytime they want, even if they are located in remote areas. They can now reach out to their therapists from home or workplaces, despite their busy schedules. It is easy to access help just when they need it, which can be life-saving for people struggling with serious conditions. The value of remote services increases all the more in the era of social distancing.
Alleviation of the shortage of providers
There is an acute shortage of psychiatrists in the country as the number of mental health patients grows at a rapid pace. Moreover, increasing awareness regarding these issues has made the demand a tad higher. Telehealth plays a vital role in addressing the shortage of providers. Psychiatrists can leverage tools such as video chat and mobile apps to reach a larger number of people across wider geographic regions, even the ones living hundreds of miles away. It helps them grow their practice as well as match the growing demand for services.
Privacy and anonymity for patients
Even as the problem becomes widespread, there is still a stigma around mental health. According to the experts at Social House, a large number of patients are still apprehensive about coming up and discussing their struggles just for the fear of social stigma. Telemedicine changes the scenario by providing services at home so that patients can get treatment from the best practitioners without compromising their privacy and anonymity at any stage.
Transformation of addiction treatment
Apart from mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and relationship stress, many patients need help to deal with their addiction problems. Telehealth goes a long way in helping such patients as well. Moreover, opioid addiction is more common in rural areas where mental healthcare services are not available. Thankfully, this technology makes help accessible to the patients in these locations, and they can get their life on track with timely aid.
Telehealth is a revolutionary technology that is making an immense difference for everyone. It is opening new frontiers for doctors as well as ensuring the best care for the patients. This technology is truly the future of the healthcare industry. It is all the more relevant right now, as it goes a long way in saving people dealing with social isolation amid the pandemic.
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