There are a lot of issues that could be behind your foot pain. The most common causes are injuries to the plantar fascia (the ligaments that connect the bones of the foot), lack of proper blood circulation, infections, poor circulation of the arteries or veins, and so on.
If you have foot problems, the best professional to approach is a podiatrist. A podiatrist is an orthopedic physician who specializes in foot disorders, specifically those affecting the feet. A podiatrist will be familiar with different types of surgical interventions that may be necessary for remedying your foot pain. But what are the relevant questions you should ask a podiatrist before going to foot surgery?
- What Is Your Specialization?
There are several specialties within the wider field of podiatry, including orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, rheumatology, etc. All of these professions require an aptitude for anatomy, an understanding of physiology, and specialization. Depending on your particular issue, you may need to seek the care of a more specialist podiatrist with experience in treating your condition.
Someone who has suffered from a foot disorder would usually seek the services of a clinic like Podiatrist Sunshine Coast if they have an injury or some common foot problems. Some examples of foot problems include bunions, arthritic pain, deformities, corns and calluses, cracked heels, foot and shin problems, etc.
- Could There Be Any Other Foot Problems Causing Foot Pain?
You should ask your podiatrist this question before you undergo foot surgery is if there are any other types of foot problems that might be the cause of your foot pain. These foot problems include but are not limited to foot deformities, plantar fasciitis, corns or calluses, or arthritis causing foot pain. Asking this question will give you an assurance as to whether surgery is the best option for your particular problem, or if there are other means of management.
- Are You Caught Up on Recent Podiatric Research?
You want a podiatrist who is highly knowledgeable about the latest foot problems and treatments for your optimum comfort and convenience, which may or may not be podiatric surgery. You want a podiatrist who can explain to you why you need a certain kind of treatment over other kinds, and someone who truly knows their stuff should be able to do that.
- How Much Does the Surgery Cost?
What does it cost to have the surgery done? Are there out-of-pocket expenses? Your podiatrist should be able to give you a rough estimate of how much the surgery would cost you, including rehabilitative treatment. However, it is worth noting that much of the costs you have to cover will depend on how much your insurance costs, so your podiatrist may not be able to make as an accurate of an estimate depending on which insurance you are covered by.
- Are There Any Long-Term Side Effects Associated with the Treatment?
Are there any issues or problems that could arise from the treatment? You may also be worried about how long it will take to see results from the treatment. Your podiatrist should be able to give you some idea about that and talk about post-surgical care.
- Will the Surgery Affect A Patient’s Present Medical Condition?
If you have any other medical conditions, you may be even more concerned about foot surgery. Some medical conditions may result in complications when given certain kinds of pain killers, anesthesia, or may simply make it riskier for you to receive surgical operations, however minor. Always consult with your doctor about all of your conditions and any medications you are currently taking.
- How Does Podiatric Surgery Works?
Your prospective podiatrist should be able to explain how podiatric surgery works. Podiatric surgery is the practice of removing bone and cartilage or replacing them with synthetic material. These processes are usually done to cure foot deformities or to improve the health of the patient. Foot problems such as bunions and corns can be treated with the help of this type of surgery.
If your feet have become too swollen or painful for you to walk properly, you may need to see a podiatric physician for diagnosis and treatment. With digital technology, digital X-rays of the affected foot will be taken before any foot treatment is given. If you suspect that there’s something wrong with your feet or with no obvious cause, you should visit your doctor immediately.
It is better to consult a podiatric physician rather than go to a general physician’s office to get advice about these foot issues. It is because a podiatrist will perform tests that will determine the cause of the foot problem, and tell you exactly what you need to do to treat yours. Your podiatrist will give you advice on diet and exercise that will help you improve the condition of your foot.
You have just learned the important questions to ask a podiatrist before foot surgery. In order to get the most effective results, you should ask your podiatrist these questions to make sure that the procedure goes smoothly.
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