When it comes to choosing a new diet or understanding what’s healthy for your body, it can get rather confusing. So many people will say so many different things about health and well-balanced meals, but sometimes, it’s good to just stick with the basics, such as looking into what humans purely need to have strength and energy if you want to keep things straightforward. That said, Vitamin C is one of the most vital components we need to have in our bodies.

Vitamin C supports our bodies from the inside, helping to grow the tissue our bodies need, and keeping our joints moving and healthy. Vitamin C also helps with our immune system. When someone has a Vitamin C deficiency, this could lead to fatigue, weakness, rashes, and even scurvy depending on how bad it is. Vitamin C also keeps us strong against infections and lets our cells work to the best of their abilities.

Getting Your Daily Dose Of Vitamin C

There are many ways to get Vitamin C into your day-to-day life. It could be through supplements, daily dosage pills, and many types of food integrated into your diet. There’s also a technique called the Vitamin C flush, where it lets your body have an intense amount of Vitamin C throughout the day until your body flushes it out and cleans your system. It’s a great way to clean your body out and get a high dose of Vitamin C.

However, getting your daily dose of Vitamin C may be easier when eating the following:

  1. Red Bell Peppers

It’s said that red bell peppers have even more Vitamin C content than oranges. A red bell pepper can give you around 342 mg of Vitamin C. This is one of the highest suppliers of the vitamin you can get naturally. Keep in mind that an adult needs around 40mg to 100mg of Vitamin C a day to continue to keep their levels up in their body.

  1. Oranges

As stated before, oranges may not have as much, but they’re still a great supplier of Vitamin C. They have around 69.7 mg of Vitamin C stored inside their little orange skins.

Using healthy foods with Vitamin C and getting a well-balanced diet can change up your whole world. You could have much more energy, and be able do more than you possibly used to. Dr. Nick Zyrowski from NuVision Health Center claims that he was able to do this himself by detoxing his body and changing to a low-carb, sugar-free diet. “I believe that, just like me, you can regain your health naturally,” he tells his patients.

  1. Thyme And Parsley

Another food to add to your diet is thyme and parsley. Both are spices that can be sprinkled over any meal for your daily dose of Vitamin C.

One gram of thyme has 45 mg of Vitamin C in it, which makes it a great additive to meals to assure your vitamin intake. Only 1-2 tablespoons are needed.

Thyme can also be great for sore throats and any respiratory issues. Aside from being high in Vitamin C, it makes antibodies, gets rid of bacteria, and helps clean cells.

Two tablespoons of parsley a day could provide you with 10 mg of Vitamin C. Eating a daily dose of parsley could help with the increase of iron absorption as well.

  1. Kiwi

A fun little fruit to help get your Vitamin C would be kiwi. These give you 71 mg of Vitamin C for your day, giving you more than half of the daily dose you need.

Eating two kiwis a day if you have an iron deficiency condition can help increase your white blood cells by 20%.

Kiwis can also help reduce stress, improve immunity, and decrease cholesterol. For something so small, these fruits have a lot of benefits to them.

  1. Strawberries

Another good fruit to add to the mix would be strawberries. Again, like kiwis, these small fruits offer many benefits and that includes 89 mg of Vitamin C, which is 99% of your daily Vitamin C intake.

Strawberries can also be beneficial if you want to get folate, manganese, and other antioxidants. They can help prevent vascular disease, dementia, and even diabetes. Thanks to the Vitamin C content of strawberries, you can also boost your immunity.

  1. Broccoli

Lastly, veering away from the fruits, we will shift to veggies. Broccoli is a great supplier of Vitamin C. It can give you 51 mg per one half cup of broccoli, which is already half the daily dosage of Vitamin C you need.

Eating veggies like these can help keep your Vitamin C levels up, as well as improve your immunity and decrease the risk of heart disease.

Brussel sprouts are also an equally beneficial way of getting the Vitamin C that your body needs. Similar to broccoli, Brussel sprouts give you around 54 mg of Vitamin C per one-half cup.

 Vitamin C And Technology

Since Vitamin C is important to our body, especially with the onset of the novel coronavirus, wearable technology has been developed to track Vitamin C levels in the body through a non-invasive adhesive patch. This wearable technology can detect Vitamin C levels through sweat, which can give people a more personalized approach to nutrition and support the necessary dietary changes.


There are so many ways to assure that you’re getting the amount of Vitamin C you need. Without even realizing it, there are many foods from which you get can your daily dose of Vitamin C. Simple additions to your diet would make sure you’re keeping your immune system healthy and cared for in the long run. With just a few tweaks to your usual meals, you can help your health in the future.

Adding simple little fruits like kiwi or sprinkling spices like thyme on your meals can help keep your body safe, decreasing the risk of heart disease, dementia, scurvy, cholesterol, iron deficiency, fatigue, rashes, and other illnesses. Regularly consuming the right amount of Vitamin C can also aid with your joints, allow wounds to heal faster, and provide you with metabolic benefits.

It’s amazing to see what just changing up a few foods can do for your body in the years to come. Make it a point to include the foods mentioned above so you never miss your daily dose of Vitamin C.

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