It’s difficult to trace back to when exactly the practice of nursing  began, but we have Florence Nightingale, or The Lady with the Lamp, to thank for the creation of professional nursing. Nightingale’s controversial belief that well-educated women were the perfect people to improve upon the care and treatment of the sick and dying is ultimately what lead to her opening the first science-based nursing school in 1860, effectively changing the face of medicine forever.
Today, people all around the world are able to benefit from Nightingale’s hard work and determination by receiving care from first-rate professionals trained in the art of saving lives. Unfortunately, nursing school can be quite expensive, but fortunately for you, Value Colleges is specifically designed to help you make an informed, researched, and financially responsible decisions when it comes to your education and career path.
Here, we will discuss five benefits of pursuing a career in this lifesaving profession.
Job Security and Demand
Nurses are responsible for everything from patient advocacy and maintaining patient medical records, to assisting in developing a care plan and educating the patient and their family. We will always be in need of nurses. Period.
With a high percentage of practicing nurses on the brink of retirement and the challenging demands presented by COVID-19, the need for nurses is ever-present. Even before the rapid spread of COVID-19, the United States was experiencing a shortage of nurses.
Surprisingly, many nurses actually have a pretty flexible schedule. The 12-hour shift schedule most hospital and medical facilities utilize allow nursing staff to enjoy shorter workweeks and more time off than traditional 9-5 jobs.
Not only will you be able to take advantage of a flexible schedule, but you’ll also be able to move forward and change your career path due to the flexible nature and constant changes in the medical field. Many medical institutions will even provide you with financial assistance, reimbursement, and a higher rate of pay for continuing your education, but we’ll talk more about that later.
A career in nursing doesn’t mean you’ll spend your days dressing wounds and changing bedpans. In reality, “nursing” is actually a pretty broad term in way of career expectations and options. A nursing degree can open you up to career opportunities in education, law, public health, and even forensics.
Of course, there are many more specialties for you to explore, but we couldn’t possibly list them all here.
Pay and Benefits
Nurses make good money, and by simply furthering your education your annual pay can range from $73,000 to over $100,000. One of the best things about going back to school is that it’s never too late. The flexible hours and career opportunities make it easier to go back to school for additional degrees and certifications. Many hospitals will even provide tuition reimbursement, scholarships, and financial aid to employees looking to further their education.
Aside from the financial benefits often offered to employees, you’ll likely have paid-time-off, an established retirement fund, health insurance (including dental AND vision), and even maternity leave. Of course, many of these fringe benefits will likely vary on where you’re employed, hours worked each week, and licensure.
What could be better than working in a field filled with likeminded people with the common goal of changing the lives of your patients and their families for the better? Nurses work directly with patients more than almost any other hospital employees, meaning you will have a direct impact on their level of care, treatment, and their personal experience while staying in your facility. And what’s better than making a positive impact in an otherwise scary, awkward, or uncomfortable situation?
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