In Neurology, apps are designed for data collection, proper documentations maintain, patient monitoring, advising. This valuable information should be available in one single app for neurology students and neurologists. In daily practice, physicians increase the use of mobile apps. Here, we discuss the best free apps for neurology to store the information.
3D Brain
3D Brain creates a 3D model of your Brain that allows you to zoom and rotate around 29 interactive structures of the Brain by using the 3D Brain app. A single touch on your smartphone shows various parts of your Brain and explains their functions. Every single movement of the Brain can capture through this application and shows you the ultimate reflection. It provides almost accurate information on the Brain’s function, reaction, and structure in any disorder, mental illness, research links, case studies, and brain damage. This 3D Brain free app can be useful to store detailed data of the patient as in information structure.
Neuro Slice
In the study of neuroanatomy, the Neuro-Slice app helps with collecting information from your Brain using interactive and descriptive image mapping. This app maps the neuroanatomical region of each slice for familiarizing yourself with the Brain’s tracts and nuclei as well as the spinal cord. MRI scans provide 40 images of brain sections along with proper digital labeling with anatomical regions. All the downloaded information in this app can browse offline. By selecting the anime of the required part, it displayed all the information of that particular section with a proper significant explanation. This app can be useful for neuroanatomy and neuroscience studies as a study tool.
Brain Tutor 3D
In the Brain Tutor 3D app, you get the information by using your palm. It helps to learn about your brain structure and functionality of your inside Brain. It creates a real-time, high-resolution rotatable 3D model to interact with your Brain’s activity. The purpose of volunteering to study this app creates “Magnetic Resonance Imaging” (MRI) scans by uses of rendered heads. At millimeter resolution, MRI data helps to monitor inside brain activity by using real-time slicing. It slices the Brain in three axes: coronal, sagittal, and axial to learn the function of sulci, subcortical, Brodman areas, fiber tracts, and gyri structure.
Neuro Mind
In the neuroanatomy study, the Neuro Mind app provides better informative knowledge to neurosurgeons and neurologists. It offers technical support to make interactive clinical decisions and illustrates over 120 clinical classifications. The anatomical diagrams clarify the Brain and spinal neuro problems with proper grading systems. It allows us to manage the collaborative content and highlights the database of each region. The app offers districts short descriptions and significant explanations for interactive anatomy identification. Neuro Mind application (app) supports proper use by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and Surgical Neurology International. It is also a study tool.
Stroke Track
In professional and personal purposes, the Stroke Track application helps to monitor the movement of brain and neuro sensations. It helps to maintain the track and log stroke cases. This report gets saved in this app, and for future treatment purposes, you can review these reports. It includes detailed and descriptive NIH stroke scales and tPA for better calculations. This app potentially handles the complications. The Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument (TPI) helps to estimate the outcomes of untreated and treated tPA. After tPA treatment, the predictions can happen through the Hemorrhage After Thrombolysis (HAT) process.
 Neurology apps provide information and technological support in professional and personal health care. These 5 are the best free apps for neurology to learn human brains.
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