It looks like the COVID-19 pandemic might be coming to a final end in some areas, but there is no denying that it is still taking its toll across the world. In some parts of the world, people are still battling for their lives, upheaval is still a trend, and economics are still being impacted on the forefront. The global scientific community is indeed and has been racing towards effective vaccines and therapeutics, but the truth of the matter is, the most essential defense remains the most fundamental of public health measures – personal hygiene and physical distancing. What’s even more troubling is that this is by no mean an old-fashioned response.
However, what’s more, interesting is digital health. Even before the pandemic struck there were certain parts of the world that had already been taking advantage of digital health technology to address urgent healthcare needs. Similarly, some of this technology was used during the pandemic to offer immediate outbreak response as well as help with mitigation. These are just two areas where digital health helped during the pandemic and can continue to help after. What are some more?
Telehealth For Screening, Triage, And Follow Up Appointments
Telehealth is something that has really taken off due to the advent of COVID-19. It is clear that is is something now that is here to stay beyond the pandemic. And, this really is a good thing because it can help out in more than one way. It is no big secret that it is seniors over 65 and patients with cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease that is at the biggest risk. They are the ones that are most vulnerable to death if infected and what makes it even more troubling is the fact that they are also more challenged than others when it comes to transportation.
This is exactly where telehealth comes in. Leveraging this digital health technology allows medical professionals to diagnose and treat these types of patients remotely for conditions that are not acute. Conditions that will lower the risks of infection for both the patients and the caregivers of these patients. The only challenge is that patients will have to be more open and receptive to embracing telehealth as a medium to engage with their PCPs and specialists. If you are willing to eat right and take advantage of healthy instant pot beef steak from Corrie Cooks, you should be more than willing to give telehealth a shot.
Health Apps For Data Capturing And Recording Of Vital Signs
The biggest challenge that COVID-19 brought was the lack of test kits. On top of this, it was taking anywhere from 10 to 20 days to capture viable samples, process them, and get them sent out to the right labs. And, then you had to wait on the results. You were literally looking at a month or longer before you knew if you were infected or not. Many people who were positive for the virus deteriorated by this time to the point that they needed hospitalization.
Luckily, this brought about cloud-based AI-powered apps. These apps allowed medical professionals to record and monitor potential patient’s vital signs so that they’d constantly know what was going on. Medical teams and clinicians had access to this information via patient portals so they could constantly monitor, check, and make updates. This is a trend that you can expect to stay long after COVID-19 is put to rest.
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