Taking proper care of your mouth and teeth during your whole life will help avoid complications later in life. Fortunately, there are easy improvements in lifestyle that you can make to keep your teeth healthy and in good condition from when you are young to when you are old. In this guide, you’re going to learn how to do exactly that.

Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Foods containing sugar of some sort will lead to tooth decay. To monitor the amount of sugar you consume, read the nutrition information and product labels on products and drinks and select choices that are lowest in sugar, or, better still, sugar-free.

Limit sugars in your diet, particularly spreadable candy or sticky sweets that can go in between the teeth and are very hard to brush off.

Brush Twice a Day and Floss Daily

Daily brushing and flossing help to keep your teeth clean by removing sugars and food contaminants that join together to create plaque with bacteria. Plaque produces acid that affects the enamel of the teeth, induces cavities and sets the basis for periodontal disease (gum disease).

Use a Fluoride Toothpaste

Do not only choose the first whitening and minty toothpaste you see in your favourite grocery store, choose one with fluoride inside. Fluoride is responsible for fending off germs from the teeth and gums to avoid tooth decay.

Choose Your Beverages Carefully

What you drink will affect your teeth’s wellbeing. Beverages such as soft drinks and sucrose juices have been discovered as tooth decay culprits. Drinking less soda and more tea and fresh juices will help protect the teeth.

Limit acidic beverages, such as soft drinks and processed fruit juices. Food acids weaken the substance in the teeth and dissolve the minerals in the enamel of the tooth producing holes (cavities).

 This dentist who offers quality periodontics in Greeneville adds that coffee is also a culprit when it comes to dental issues because of its acidity. Dental professionals highly suggest limiting your coffee intake and rinsing your mouth with water immediately after drinking caffeinated beverages to help in neutralizing your mouth’s acid level.

Clean Your implants

Cleaning your dental implants is just as critical as cleaning your natural teeth. Food will get stuck on the edges of implants and clasps and if you don’t clean them properly, the food will decay. To clean up your implants you should get and maintain a dedicated toothbrush.

After a dental operation, your dental nurse or oral specialist will advise you how to take care of your implants. Making sure you clean them properly and thoroughly is very necessary for avoiding gum disease and subsequent infection. Learn more about dental implants and how you can take good care of them.

Quit Smoking

Smoking destroys the body’s immune system, making it impossible for the body to repair tissues, including those in the mouth. The CDC says smoking is a risk factor for gum disease, while the ADA warns that after a dental operation, people who smoke may experience slow healing.

Smoking also changes the mouth’s appearance, contributing to teeth and tongue yellowing and can give a foul smell.

Understand how Your Medications Affect Your Teeth

It is necessary to take drugs when you are sick. However, during extended periods of time, some drugs may have a detrimental effect on tooth health.

For battling germs in the mouth, saliva is important. Some medications can induce a dry mouth, and less saliva contributes to higher cavity risk. As far as your drug prescription is concerned, you should contact a doctor because there are many options to prevent this, including eating sugar-free gum, drinking plenty of fluids, or using special gels made for this purpose.

Consult the Dentist Regularly

You need to regularly meet with the dentist because no matter how much dental care you take, a dentist appointment is always necessary to keep your teeth and gums safe.

The dentist may perform an oral check-up, clean-up and validate any conditions that may arise in the mouth. More specifically, routine check-ups by a specialist will assist with early diagnosis of many health conditions, including periodontal disorder, so that it does not develop and cause a more serious health condition in the future.


A healthy mouth is more critical than you would imagine. Think of the important things you use your mouth for every day: talk, eat, smile, and many more. Bad oral health may affect all these vital functions.

Good oral health is not difficult to attain but it requires effort and discipline. Use the guidance above to take care of your mouth and teeth for life.

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