When the state of emergency was declared due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, many people were forced to work from home to help keep business running and meet social distancing guidelines. More people work from home than ever before. Almost every industry encourages telework. Surprisingly or not, there are some challenges to remote working. You need to be an expert in time management because you don’t have others tracking your productivity. Plus, you risk getting interrupted by family members or pets. You have to put your mind in a state that allows you to work, even at home. 

There’s one particular aspect of living in self-isolation that nobody talks about. Overeating. The cupboards and fridge are at your disposal, so you’re tempted to eat more. It’s hard, if not impossible, to resist the temptation of turning to food for comfort when times get hard. Stress eating is a common response to psychological distress. Managing the stress caused by the novel coronavirus requires healthy habits. Continue reading to find out how to stop overeating and avoid weight gain while working from home. 

Manage the emotions not the food

Life as we know it has changed following the global COVID-19 outbreak, the pandemic reshaping work lives, family ties, not to mention finances. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, you’ll be happy to know that you’re not the only one. The novel coronavirus has taken its toll on our mood. Happiness is the least common emotion. The point is that people are more likely to be sad and stressed since they have to make decisions they would normally reject. 

Stress eating is known as mindless eating. Basically, you eat, but it’s not out of hunger. You’re unknowingly starring at the fridge or pantry looking for something to nibble on. When everything is chaotic, a food diary can come in handy. Write down what you consume on a daily basis and get a better understanding of your eating habits. Determine when you’re really hungry and when you’re eating just to fill in the void. 

Managing your emotions doesn’t mean suppressing them. Pretending not to feel sad won’t make things any better. The serious nature of the virus and the uncertainty about the global pandemic’s duration are enough to make you feel down in the dumps. For the time being, you have access to resources to ensure your wellbeing, and you don’t risk losing your job. Even if you do, you’re entitled to unemployment benefits. 

Keep calm and cook 

Since the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic, we’ve seen countless panic buying. Even if COVID-19 doesn’t pose any threat to the food industry, nothing can stop people from hoarding groceries. It’s not a good idea to buy the entire shop, just so you know. Organize your shopping list and focus your attention on real foods. Don’t buy snacks or treats in bulk. And it’s best to stay away from bottled dressings. When you finish work, go into the kitchen and prepare a delicious, healthy meal. Snacking, in particular, drives overeating and it’s responsible for sudden weight gain. 

If you want to be healthy when you can’t go out, do your own cooking. Don’t buy pre-made foods just to save some time in the kitchen and don’t order in. Put your apron on and dare to step inside the kitchen. So what if you lack cooking skills? Cooking is more of a science. If you learn the basic steps, there’s nothing you can’t do. Even you can make a fresh and fabulous meal. Turn the TV on and watch the Cooking Channel. Better yet, open your computer and surf the Web for recipes and tutorials. You don’t know what you’re missing out. 

Take supplements to help with overeating 

Maybe you find it impossible to control your appetite. If so, boost dietary supplementation. Supplements will provide much-needed energy throughout the day and help you optimize your food and movement. The reason why you’re hungry all the time is that your body lacks essential vitamins and minerals. We’re talking about a nutrient deficiency. You might want to take vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate, and inositol as individual supplements. 

If you can’t stop obsessively overeating, consider using Leptitox, an all-natural product that prevents you from overeating. The dietary and nutritive supplement doesn’t do anything against your body’s functions, so there’s nothing to worry about. What Leptitox does is to regulate leptin, the hormone that lets your brain know you’ve got enough energy stored in the fat cells to engage in normal, relatively easy activities. If you’ve put on a couple of pounds since starting working at home, the supplement will help you snap back to your old figure.   

Drink lots and lots of water  

It can’t be stressed enough that drinking plenty of water is important. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. What is more, it will make you feel less hungry. The experts recommend drinking water before every meal to prevent overeating and maintain portion control. Just as you used to fill your bottle of water at the office, continue this habit at home. Getting yourself to drink water every may become a little bit boring, not to mention repetitive, but with some simple tricks, you can make it fun. For instance, add a little bit of flavor to the water with a lemon wedge or add cucumbers and raspberries into the mix. 

All in all, a healthy lifestyle can keep your immune system working well, which is paramount given the actual context. Self-isolation is a time to enjoy making delicious food for yourself. If you can’t go out to get the supplies you need, ask a friend or a family member to help you out. Physical activity too can help boost the immune system and you should make sure to get enough exercise given that you’re leading a sedentary lifestyle right now. You don’t need fancy equipment to work out at home. You just need the willingness to try. At one point or another, life will get back to normal.