Most governments via their ministry of health are asking people to stay at home in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. People are being asked to avoid theatres, clubs, pubs, and public gatherings to help prevent the spread of the virus. But, everybody finds being stuck at home difficult. And, it is even harder for recovering addicts that are used to attending support group meetings every week.
Today, recovery meetings are not taking place because some individuals are self-isolating to prevent COVID-19 from spreading further. Some recovering addicts have to use their phones to reach out to sponsors. Others are using social media networks to communicate with their folks.
Social distancing is very important when it comes to preventing coronavirus from spreading further. That’s why governments are telling people to stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel. However, social isolation can jeopardize the sobriety of some individuals.
Adverse Physiological and Psychological Effects of Self-Isolation
When self-isolating, people are not supposed to go to school, work, or public areas. They shouldn’t leave home unless for exercising purposes. If possible, they shouldn’t even go out to purchase essentials like food. Essentially, self-isolation is about avoiding or limiting social contact.
Self-isolation can cause adverse physiological and psychological effects which can affect the recovery process negatively. Some individuals become addicts when they use addictive substances to self-medicate for physiological and psychological problems.
Self-isolation can lead to boredom and solitary confinement. This loneliness can cause psychological strain which can manifest itself physiologically. Eventually, this will exacerbate their preexisting condition, which is addiction.
When drug addicts call rehab Addiction Resource undergo treatment, and are eventually allowed to back home, they are told to make connections. That’s because isolation is not good for recovering addicts because of the adverse physiological and psychological effects it can have on them. The importance of making the right connections is one of the major things that most addicts discover during their recovery journey. As such, self-isolation is incredibly tough on many people that are recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Longing to Be with Friends and Family
On finishing their treatment, most recovering addicts are eager to go home and spend time with their friends and loved ones. For most people in recovery, having a family or friends to focus on is a helpful distraction.
When kids are not going to school, life is even better. That’s because what a recovering addict has to worry about is preparing breakfast for them, making lunch and dinner. They also have to get groceries and all household supplies like toilet paper. This makes life after rehabilitation easier for most individuals because they do not have the time to visit the bar or a liquor store.
But, this is not the case for most people in recovery. Some individuals are not lucky to have family members around. As such, they have to stay sober without family members or friends. However, individuals that feel isolated should reach out to friends or even call the addiction recovery hotline number.
Unfortunately, this can be the hardest thing for some people to do. That’s because nobody wants to be another person’s burden when struggling with addiction.
People are Being Creative
In-person meetings are generally more successful. Research has shown that peer support groups are beneficial to individuals undergoing addiction treatment. However, people have to be creative to support recovery during this pandemic.
Therefore, people in recovery have to use phones to reach out to sponsors. Even treatment facilities have adjusted to current situations. But, not every recovering addict is in a residential treatment program. Therefore, some recovering addicts that are living at home may undergo routine changes that can bring them stress. And, this stress can cause drug and alcohol relapse if they don’t call rehab numbers for assistance.
However, people have become creative. In some cases, therapy sessions, church group meetings, and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are being held via video chats. Several treatment centers have come up with alternative plans to help their alumni during the coronavirus pandemic. In some facilities, group meetings have moved online.
Considering the current situation, many people are uncertain of how things will turn out. When some recovering addicts are on shaky ground, it can be scary for them. Everybody must practice self-care.
However, people that are recovering from addiction may have a hard time because they have learned that isolation is bad during recovery. Therefore, communicating with them through Telehealth is way better than not communicating at all.
Recovering Addicts Connecting During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Recovering addicts need to meet as a community. Some recovering addicts call the addiction helpline number when they feel like they can relapse and they don’t have somebody to talk to. The advice is always to talk to loved ones or attend support group meetings. But, because that’s not possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, recovering individuals have to connect via the internet.
Weekly meeting sessions are now taking place online. Some of these meetings are bringing up to 16 people together. And, they are working well because recovering addicts are still connecting. As such, even if people are being asked to socially-isolate, recovering addicts are doing so physically but still connecting. Nevertheless, recovering addicts are personally distancing to do their part.
Most rehabilitation facilities are doing what they can to keep their addictions and mental health support programs going. Where possible, these facilities are providing treatment and support by phone. Clients are encouraged to contact the facilities before their appointment to find out how the services they need are provided. And, clients are pre-screened by the staff of these facilities before they visit.
Both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have issued statements about holding support group meetings via the internet too.
The Bottom Line
Practicing self-isolation because of COVID-19 is not easy for recovering addicts. Nevertheless, individuals are still connecting with peers and their treatment facilities via creative means. In addition to calling drug addiction helpline numbers, people are holding group meetings online and chatting with sponsors via social networks. Thus, recovering addicts are self-isolating but still keeping in touch with their support group networks via phones and the internet.
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