Technology advancement is a blessing to all sectors, including dentistry. Clear aligners are a preferred choice today for people with crooked, rotated, or crowded teeth, among other moderate teeth concerns. Patients with severe dental issues may, however, consider different options like traditional permanent braces.
Transparent aligner systems offer a great solution differently. In this case, clear plastic trays are custom made from dental impressions or scans to fit snugly over the teeth. After about two weeks, or as advised by the doctor, the patients get a new aligner, and bit by bit, they align the teeth to the desired position. Research indicates that only 35 percent of adults in America have well-aligned teeth. This suggests that the rest of the population may need teeth alignment.
Like traditional braces, clear aligners help to guide teeth into their proper position. Both use gradual force to control the movement of teeth, but clear aligners’ works without brackets or metal wires. Generally, clear aligners give the patients more benefits compared to the traditional braces.
Benefits of clear aligners vs. traditional braces
Eat all you want
Food is a crucial part of daily life and it’s intertwined into our social lives. Traditional braces come with a lot of eating restrictions and rubery foods, gumdrops, nuts, whole apples, carrots, are among the foods to avoid with braces, and aside from their appearance, this causes a lot of inconvenience when dining out too. Clear aligners give you the freedom to indulge in all you wish as you can remove the trays and take the bite. Your favorite plate of ribs or a meal of hamburger is no longer a wish. In any occasion and meeting, remove your aligners and eat your favorite dish.
Maintain dental hygiene
You can still maintain maximum dental health by removing your aligners to keep up with your daily routine. To avoid trapping food particles or prevent bacteria in between your aligners and teeth, brush your teeth after every meal. Floss at least once per day. Take care of your aligners by rinsing them and placing them in a case as you brush and floss. Dental procedures like treatment through clear aligners encourage ultimate oral health.
While misaligned teeth dent many people’s self-esteem, braces may also affect your confidence. Clear aligners allow you to smile without making it evident to the world that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. The clear aligners make your smile better. Since the position of your teeth is visible, they appear straighter, improving your appearance as you undergo the correction. This option allows you to straighten your teeth discreetly as they are less noticeable compared to other braces.
Due to their removable nature, clear aligners allow you to live for the moment. Work presentations, sales pitches, photo sessions, and other similar occasions require your best foot forward. On the days that you are out to make the first impression a lasting one, simply remove the aligners and wear your almost perfect smile with confidence.
A visit to the dentist sends shivers down many people’s spine, regardless of their age. Using technology, you can have professionally monitored clear aligners from the comfort of your home. Dentists can now design a tailor-made plan from a mold of your smile with the impression kit and send it to you. You can also see how your teeth will look at the end through the 3D summary.
Using apps using AI to monitor your progress, doctors receive and track progress remotely. Do it yourself treatment is music to anyone undergoing dental procedures. Clear aligners enable you to receive treatment virtually, making it the most convenient approach.
Teenagers with braces have had interlocking incidents when kissing. The thought is embarrassing to anyone with braces intending to engage in intimacy. Braces can, therefore, hinder couples from engaging in such romantic acts. Besides interlocking, kissing with braces is exceptionally uncomfortable. Clear aligners allow you to continue with your life as couples without any fear.
Though rare, metal braces can cause dents and scratches on patients’ gums or inner cheeks. To keep safe, you may need to avoid certain physical activities or sports without a proper mouth guard, which can come at an extra cost and inconvenience. Clear aligners will allow you to participate in all your favorite sports as long as you remove and keep them safe.
Minor corrections with clear aligners take as little as 3-6 months, while the full treatment may take between 9 and 18 months. More adults now feel comfortable going for straighter teeth as they see appealing and better options in the market. Clear aligners offer a faster, convenient, and cheaper alternative to comprehensive dental alignment treatment. For the best outcome, ensure you get the right dentist. This option also requires a high level of self-discipline as clear aligners are only effective when worn for a certain number of hours a day.
When you’re ready to get your aligner but do not know where to start, an internet search for a term like “dentist near me sun city” should give you some directions.
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