As we get older, it is inevitable that our health will decline and start to suffer. However, if you have noticed that day to day tasks have become more challenging than before, there are lots of things you can do to improve mobility, which will improve your quality of life. Here are some of our recommendations that will help to improve senior mobility and boost your health and wellbeing.
Add Activity Slowly
If you are aware that your ability to move around is becoming more difficult, then it is important that you don’t try to push yourself as this may make your mobility worse. While we understand that it can feel frustrating that you can’t do things as easily as you did when you were younger, you should only take part in low levels of physical activity.
Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. So, while you shouldn’t remove it from your schedule entirely, you should be sure that you are only adding more activity as you feel able, and as your mobility improves.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
You will be surprised at how much of a difference a good night’s sleep can have on both your physical mobility as well as your emotional and mental wellbeing. While getting enough sleep is an essential need for your body and mind, it also helps us to feel refreshed and awake. As a senior, getting a good night’s sleep will make you feel more alert, meaning you are more likely to be attentive to your surroundings, limiting the risk of accidents.
If you haven’t had a good night’s rest, then we recommend you take it easy for the day and don’t overdo things when it comes to physical activity.
Consider an Electric Wheelchair
While it is essential that you work on improving your mobility wherever you can if you are struggling to get around then be aware that there are other options available to you, said the professionals from Keep Moving Care. Staying at home can significantly reduce your risk of accidents or falls, but it can also quickly become very isolating and lonely.
This is why many seniors with restricted mobility have looked into the use of electric wheelchairs to help them get around without putting their physical health at risk. Here is a popular online electric wheelchair supplier that can provide you with top of the range electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters.
Eat Well
If your mobility isn’t great then you may find yourself eating food that is easy and convenient to make, but it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Make an attempt to eliminate some of the unhealthy foods that are currently in your diet, such as sugar, and instead add more fruit and vegetables to your meals. By eating better, you will feel better, and you may start to feel more alert and able to be active.
Be Creative
Many people forget how many different ways there are to be active and engage in physical activity, and even if the days of going for a run around the block are long behind you, there are still many different forms of activity available to you. You can easily and conveniently add some useful mobility exercises into everyday life that can make a huge difference. Some can even be done from the comfort of your own home.
If you settle down to watch television in the evenings, you can make the most of the ad breaks by doing a few exercises. You could even try lifting some hand weights if you can.
By taking the time to work on your mobility, and taking it at a pace that you are comfortable with, you can make the most of your golden years
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