Behavioral health problems are more common than you think. Anyone you are acquainted with may be suffering—without you even realizing that they are suffering from an underlying problem.

So, think twice before judging your peers sharply when their moods or actions change. They may have problems and have little to no control over their behavior. The same could be happening to you without your knowledge. Scary, huh?

To reduce the stigma it’s important to gain understanding. Let’s discuss some concepts.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Behavioral Health Problems?

Mental illness is another term used to describe behavioral health problems. It presents in many forms and anyone can experience it.

Here are only a few common causes identified with people that are affected by behavioral health problems:

  • Stress
  • Addiction
  • ADHD or learning disabilities
  • Mood disorders
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship problems
  • Grief

How to Identify Behavioral Health Problems

When you know the person affected well enough to distinguish their habits and actions as out of the ordinary, you can begin to understand what problems they may be having. You need to identify and address problems. There are certain symptoms to look out for before seeking integrative healthcare support.

Symptoms to Look Out For

  • Confusion
  • Depression, sadness, or irritability
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Extreme worries and nervousness
  • Public withdrawal
  • Drastic changes in eating or sleeping behaviors
  • Easy to anger
  • Delusional thoughts
  • Hallucinating
  • Struggling with daily tasks
  • Suicidal thoughts or comments
  • Several mysterious physical illnesses
  • Substance abuse
  • Cruelty to animals
  • Bullying
  • Criminal behavior

When these symptoms manifest you should seek help from a medical or mental health professional. There are healthcare outreach programs available.

Remember, you can save someone’s life by getting them the help they require so it’s worth taking action! 

Supporting People With Behavioral Health Problems

People suffering from any kind of behavioral health problems or conditions need positive support. Be there to listen to their problems and have an open mind when in their presence. Ask questions when speaking to them and always consider their feelings.

Consider taking them to a counselor for therapy as people typically find it easier to discuss their issues with a stranger. Speaking to a counselor may be the answer to finding the actual cause of their behavioral issues.

You may be having the same problems without realizing it. Supporting peers with behavioral health problems may cause you to uncover some of your own emotional challenges. Why not join support groups with them?

Self Care is Vital

Take a break from the person who has problems. This prevents you from becoming impatient and angry. Caring for someone without taking care of yourself may be detrimental to your own health. Again, there are healthcare outreach programs to help them, which can give you a break too. 

Final Thoughts

In summary, be patient with your family and friends when their behavior changes seemingly out of the blue. They may be suffering from behavioral health problems which they can’t control. They may be needing your help more than ever and your actions can save their lives.

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