Over the years, it’s fair to say that there has been an increasing influence from media advertisements and social media which has caused a consciousness about how we look to others in society, or at least, what we should aspire to look like. So much so that we’ve seen a boom in the plastic surgery industry over recent years and has patients all over the world booking their next procedure appointment.

The problem that many find with plastic surgery procedures is that the price can be rather overwhelming and a bit out of the price range they originally had in mind. As a result, they choose to go overseas for their procedures as they appear cheaper and sometimes have them advertised as a holiday where patients can receive a 2 in 1 experience.

You need to be aware that whilst this may seem appealing, it’s also risky to your health and your bank account. You should be aware of the dangers that come with plastic surgery tourism and here are 5 in particular to consider.

There will be physical risks that come with surgery

With every form of plastic surgery comes risks to your health. Back home, you’re likely to be reassured that measures will be put in place to prevent these risks as much as possible but similar measures may not be taken abroad, making your safety quite vulnerable. This is where you need to ask yourself whether the discount in price is worth the risk of your health.

Travelling can be harmful to your results

The impact that travelling can have on your body can be detrimental towards your final results. This should be heavily considered on your decision to go through with the surgery. For example, due to a plane’s altitude and how raw your surgery is likely to be, this can easily influence how your results may look and you may endure a little pain too. Blood clots can form in the veins causing a longer recovery period and the possibility to have the surgery re-examined. Can you afford to fly back to the country again?

Will you be covered if something goes wrong?

Qualifications of doctors around the world can differentiate, which means doctors abroad are unlikely to have similar skills compared to those from more familiar and recognised countries such as the UK or the US. This means you’re putting your health at a larger risk if you choose to go through with it and there’s the possibility that if surgical negligence occurs, you may not be covered outside the country that you reside in. Check up on the surgeon and whether you’re able to make a claim beforehand if everything doesn’t go to plan as you wish.

The costs can easily build-up

When you think about all the costs that can potentially be involved with having surgery abroad, would it really be cheaper for you? The main reason you’re likely going abroad for your surgical procedure is from it being cheaper, but have you considered how much it would cost to get there? Do you need to take out extra insurance? Would you need to travel back to the country? Do the surgeons require extra payment? These are all questions that should be considered to make sure that you’re not actually increasing your expenditure from having it abroad.

Communication issues can occur

In order to ensure your safety and get the results that you’re looking for, effective communication is crucial to achieving this. If you’re having surgery abroad, it’s likely English won’t be spoken fluently by your surgeon which can create a language barrier between you and your surgeon. This can make it difficult for you to communicate your questions and concerns effectively and cause problems for the surgeon to be completely clear with what you should expect.

Whilst the prospect of going abroad can be enticing, how many risks that are potentially involved can make you question whether it’s worth the trip. A likely safer and investable option would be to stay close to home and have your tummy tuck procedure undertaken by a local plastic surgeon. You’ll be able to communicate effectively, be reassured that the surgeon is qualified and feel safer that your health is in good hands.