The cannabis revolution has taken the world by storm. Over the last five years, there have been major steps toward lifting not only legislative regulations on the herb but the stigma that has been attached to it. Countries all over the world are starting to lift bans on the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Some countries like Canada, Georgia, South Africa, and certain states have even lifted restrictions on recreational use too. 

There are a number of reasons for a turn-around in ideology and the stigma associated with cannabis. One of the predominant reasons is the fact that a lot of research has been going into cannabis and how it impacts the health of the user. Studies have shown that the use of cannabis and related products are assisting in the alleviation of symptoms related to serious diseases like cancer and diabetes.  

What needs to be kept in mind, however, is that cannabis contains over 113 cannabinoids. The two primary cannabinoids that most people concentrate on are CBD and THC. THC is the cannabinoid that causes a user to feel high, whereas CBD is the cannabinoid that holds the healing qualities. So, if you are looking to produce your own CBD products, you will need to do a bit of research on how to extract CBD from the plant in order to create your products. In this section, however, we took a look at what health benefits CBD has and what you can use it to treat. 

Combats Depression and Anxiety 

One of the primary fields that CBD has a noted impact on our mental health cases. Studies have been conducted globally, however, there are still many questions left to be answered about why and how cannabis impacts anxiety and depression. 

One of the most noteworthy studies has been from Washington State University. Here, various tests have been done on people who suffer from acute anxiety and depression. In the test, participants were encouraged to inhale cannabis. Those who inhaled one puff reported feeling slight relief from stress and anxiety. Two puffs relieved the major symptoms of an anxiety attack, while up to ten puffs allowed the subject to feel completely relaxed and symptom-free. 

In fact, the study revealed that after inhaling cannabis (only CBD and no THC), depression was reduced by 89% in subjects, anxiety by 93% and stress by 93%. There is no current data, however, for what the long-term results are and whether prolonged use will have an effect on depression.

Relieves Pain Symptoms Associated with Cancer

We cannot stress enough that cannabis should not be used as a replacement for cancer-related treatment and medication. Studies conducted over the last decade have focused primarily on the impact that CBD has on pain. Through multiple studies conducted in various universities, clinics and health facilities, professionals have established that there is in fact, a direct correlation with pain control and the use of marijuana. 

Cannabis has not been proven to combat cancer cells, or any other serious disease, however, what it has shown us that it relieves pain as peripheral nerves that detect pain sensations contain abundant receptors for cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been shown to block peripheral nerve pain in various experiments. Cannabis has, therefore, been one of the most sought after treatments for cancer-related pain in the last three years. Whether it be in oil, vape or consumed, patients are requesting a more natural way than chemical drugs. 

Slows Down Symptoms of Alzheimer’s 

Once again, cannabis will not slow down, or reverse Alzheimer’s disease. However, scientific studies have shown that it proves itself as a therapeutic approach to dealing with this highly tricky disease. Most modern medicine has little to no impact on the patient, and most patients have had to live in a state of confusion and uncertainty for years before their death. 

Essentially, the introduction of both THC and CBD to a patient was observed to have a significant effect on the inflammation of the brain, as well as assisted in the preservation of various memories. Cannabis was shown to significantly reduce the harmful effects of the toxic fluid that causes Alzheimer’s. It was shown that THC interacts directly with Aβ peptide, the main source of the disease. It simply seemed to inhibit it, with very little other impacts on the person’s health. 

Alleviates Muscle Ache and Sporting Injuries 

Cannabis has revolutionary anti-inflammatory qualities which can be hugely beneficial to sports-related injuries, torn or pulled muscles or the frequent pain that is associated with aging in muscles. There are a plethora of products on the market in balms or lotion forms that can assist with the treatment of sore and aching muscles. 

As mentioned above, cannabinoids have a direct way of blocking peripheral nerve endings from transmitting the pain to the receivers. Muscle aches and spasms can be effectively curbed with the use of CBD based ointments. There has been a significant push from various groups of people, including veterans and sporting professionals to do more research on the impacts of cannabis products on the body and specifically on joint and muscle pain. 

Wrapping Up 

All of the above has mentioned specifically that cannabis and its related products are not recommended as a replacement for any existing treatments. There is currently no scientific research that ultimately proves that cannabis will effectively rid you of cancer or diabetes, for example. There has, however, over the last few years been a heightened number of cases that have reported that it has effectively treated their symptoms. Before taking on any treatment yourself, we do encourage you to thoroughly research what you are taking and ensure that you are taking the right dosage and product to suit your requirements. It is estimated that in the next five to ten years, we will have a more in-depth knowledge of how beneficial CBD and even THC can be for the body, but in the meantime, we simply recommend it to treat those nasty symptoms on your road to recovery.Â