Are you aware that piles affect 10 million people in India, and 1 out of 10 pregnant women suffer from piles? Still, the people are most ignorant about this disease and its treatment. Though it can happen to all ages, older adults and pregnant women are more prone to this disease.

Piles are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum. They develop due to the increased strain on the veins in the rectal region. The swollen blood vessels on the outer rectum and anus can turn bowel movements into intensely painful experiences. Classic symptoms include rectal pain, itching, bleeding, and possibly prolapse. Though hemorrhoids are rarely dangerous, they can be painful on the other side.

Types of Piles

Internal Haemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are too far inside the rectum, so they cannot be seen or felt. Since the inside of the cavity also has few pain-sensing nerves, there is usually no pain. Bleeding may be the only sign of internal hemorrhoids. Passing a hard stool can scrape off the thinned lining of hemorrhoids, causing painless bleeding. However, swollen hemorrhoids can also cause spasm of the muscles that surround the rectum and anus. A lump felt at the anal verge. Internal hemorrhoids can also thrombose (clot), leading to severe pain.

External Haemorrhoids-

External hemorrhoids are the kind that is under the skin around the anus. The anal opening has many pain-sensing nerves, and as a result, these hurt as well as bleed. They are also more likely to hurt during defecation. External hemorrhoids are covered by “regular skin” and have pain fibers associated with them. A thrombosed external hemorrhoid occurs when an underlying vein within hemorrhoid clots off, causing intense pain from the rapid stretching of the skin covering hemorrhoids. You may feel a hard, painful lump at the anus. External hemorrhoids can also result in excess skin tags that can be contacted at the anal verge and can cause difficulties with cleaning after a bowel movement, leading to secondary skin infections. In any case, it is very important to go for Piles treatment hospital that can give you proper healing medication.

Causes of Piles

While the presence of hemorrhoids is a reflection of the normal anatomy, most people and care professionals refer to hemorrhoids as an abnormal finding because they only present when they swell and cause problems. The sedentary lifestyle among the urban population resulted in increasing health issues and leading to problems like Piles. Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when there is an increase in the pressure in the small vessels that make up hemorrhoids, causing them to swell and engorge with blood. It causes them to increase in size leading to symptoms. A variety of factors may cause increased pressure.

  • Low-fiber diet and smaller caliber stool cause a person to strain when having a bowel movement, increasing the pressure within the blood vessels.
  • Pregnancy is associated with hemorrhoid swelling and is likely due to increased pressure of the enlarged uterus on the rectum and anus. Besides, hormonal changes with pregnancy may weaken the muscles that support the rectum and anus.
  • Prolonged sitting on the toilet may increase pressure within the hemorrhoid blood vessels.
  • Obesity
  • Diarrhea, both acute and chronic
  • Colon cancer
  • Previous rectal surgery
  • Spinal cord injury and lack of erect posture

Piles symptoms

  • A hard, possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus.
  • After passing a stool, a person with piles may experience the feeling that the bowels are still full.
  • Bright red blood is visible after a bowel movement.
  • The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore.
  • Pain occurs during the passing of a stool.

How can piles be diagnosed?

Piles diagnosis is possible even without treatment. However, the case is not the same in case of external hemorrhoids. Doctors will check the area around your anus. To diagnose internal piles, your doctor will perform a digital rectal exam and may perform procedures to look inside your anus and rectum. Though piles can be reduced by the following methods –

Home care- Home care involves the following ways-

  • Pain relief- You can diagnose the external piles by taking warn water in the tub, or you can sit on a warm water bottle. It will reduce the irritation, and you can also use baby wipes and should avoid rubbing the area.
  • Dietary Changes- One of the reasons for the piles is due to chronic constipation, start consuming food that reduces the strain. Drinking a lot of water can help a lot. Mixing a tablespoon of mineral oil with yogurt helps to relief from Piles.

Never Delay your urge – When you feel the urge, go to the bathroom immediately and don’t wait for a more convenient time. Putting off the bowel movements can worsen constipation.

Surgery-Though piles can be solved through home care still sometimes surgery need to be operated Following are the indications for hemorrhoids surgery:

  • Excessive bleeding may lead to anemia.
  • Intense pain
  • Signs of gangrene owing to the lack of blood supply to the tissue.

Thus, Piles is a common disease and can be diagnosed with simple treatment. Home care and maintaining hygiene is an easy way out of conditions. Moreover, it is advised to visit a doctor before taking any medication.

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