Physical therapy consists of scores of treatments, of which acupuncture is one. Trained physiotherapists combine it with other conventional physical therapies to treat patients. In this technique, a trained physiotherapist uses thin, fine needles on the relevant points of the body to the specific levels of depth so that the patient can experience relief from pain over time. It can impact nerves, connective tissue, blood flow, hormones, muscles, etc. The purpose of applying this technique is to help your body produce serotonin and endorphin that are the natural painkillers.

With the help of this technique, the best physiotherapy can offer you relief in the areas of digestive, respiratory, muscular, neurological, and skeletal systems, among others. It works best when applied as a part of other physiotherapies, exercises, and medicines. People suffering from regular headaches, cough, and blood pressure can benefit from it a lot.

How does acupuncture work?

As per traditional Chinese beliefs and practices, acupuncture helps create vital energy in the body by provoking specific energy pathways. The scientific studies support the view that the human body ejects natural painkillers like endorphins when poked with fine needles, due to which blood circulation improves, and the brain also becomes active. However, there is a small group of sceptics, which doesn’t give much weight to this therapy and rejects it, referring to it as the placebo effect.

Anyway, the needles used in this technique tend to be thin. Hence, people either experience very little or no pain when these prick the skin. Once the session is over, the patient can feel energetic and stress-free. Nevertheless, there can be some soreness, which would go away soon.

During this procedure, the patient may have to take a specific body position, such as recline on their back or front or lie down on one side, as guided by the physiotherapist so that they can insert needles easily. The needles have to be sterile and fresh. When going inside, these can sting or tingle a bit.

What type of health conditions can acupuncture treat?

Whether you have acute pain in the shoulder, ankle, hip, knee, neck, lower back, or somewhere else, it can take care of all those areas well. People suffering from ankle sprains, migraine, tension, Fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis can also seek this therapy for redemption. Some medical experts believe that it can also come in handy as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Stroke, etc. No matter what your medical report says and where you feel pain, you can approach a trusted and reputable physiotherapist, such as Wilson Health Physiotherapist, for guidance and assistance.

What are the benefits of acupuncture?

As a part of physical therapy, acupuncture can offer excellent results in certain types of medical conditions. It is a safe technique compared to many others if done accurately. You don’t have to worry about side effects because the risks are very few. With this procedure, you can experience massive relief in pain. And those who want to avoid painkillers can find it to be the most suitable alternative.

When you meet a licensed physiotherapist, she will check your health, and she will tell you whether you need this treatment or not and what you can expect from it based on the medical observations.

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