The largest and the most analyzed generation in the United States will soon take over the world. Millennials have a major influence on the majority of the big industries in the world today. And that includes healthcare.

The thoughts, influences, and habits of Millennials are not aligned with the traditional methods of healthcare delivery. Therefore, all healthcare organizations must adapt to the change to succeed.

Just because millennials think and behave differently doesn’t mean there is something wrong with them. Millennials have grown up in different technological and economic environments to those of previous generations.

Today, we are going to discuss five ways millennials view healthcare differently and what healthcare organizations can do to succeed in the next couple of years before Generation Z dominates. Let’s get started!

They don’t have primary care physicians

Some researches show that having a primary care physician is not a priority for millennials. Older generations usually formed bonds with primary care physicians that lasted for many years through several generations of members of the family.

And the fact is that millennials are not patient. They don’t like waiting for a couple of days to get a visit. Additionally, some of them don’t like how the pricing for a visit to the physician is usually unclear and which may remain so until the bills are prepared and sent to them weeks later. In most cases, millennials meet their needs with health care facilities and clinics that operate in retail stores.

Mental health is not a taboo topic

The majority of people from older generations kept quiet while struggling with their mental health. They believed that society expected them to lead their lives without having to disclose such issues. The millennial generation thinks differently about this.

Studies show that they are ready and willing to share the struggles they go through with their mental health. They discuss such topics with friends, family members, counselors, and therapists.

This does not mean that millennials that every millennial talk about his or her physical or mental health. However, they are not likely to keep what they are going through a secret. And this is completely different from older generations.

They’re not likely to have insurance

A research conducted by the Transamerica Center of Health Studies found out that Millennials are less likely to have health insurance than baby boomers or the growing Generation Z. Research by assignment help also found out that affordability was a critical factor to why they remained uninsured. Also, the majority of them were dissatisfied with the quality of health care.

These trends have also had a huge effect on different types of coverage such as life insurance. Most millennials think that they are too young to start thinking seriously about healthcare plans or they simply don’t know where to start. Most of them have not realized how healthcare coverage is very affordable for them because age plays a critical factor in determining the price one has to pay.

They are on board with telemedicine

According to college paper help, seeing a doctor a few years ago meant that one had to get into his or her car, drive to the office and spend a couple of minutes or hours in the waiting room. Today, people have a variety of choices due to telemedicine.

Using a smartphone or tablet, people can download an app and request appointments and medical visits with a physician in a few minutes from the comfort of their homes or any other convenient place.

Research conducted by dissertation help service shows that millennials are likely to view telemedicine as a crucial part of healthcare compared to other generations. This trend has led to the creation of extra modules in the medical school curricula that will enable students to learn more about telemedicine and how to navigate this great method of providing healthcare.

Further, more healthcare organizations are making telemedicine an open option for those who are comfortable using it. Research studies conducted by Deloitte showed that 42% of millennials had virtual visits with physicians through video calls and 68% were ready to try out this new convenient method.

Research results from best paper writing services also showed that only 23% of people from previous generations had virtual doctor visits and 57% were ready to do it in the future. These findings show that it’s important for health organizations to move forward with investments in telemedicine to target millennials.

They don’t perceive doctors to be the sole source of reliable health information

Before the world of technology evolved, doctors possessed knowledge that patients could not get easily without visiting their health facilities or libraries. That’s not the case today because anyone can search anything on Google about their symptoms and obtain reliable information in seconds.

Research on how online health affects how people view their doctors was conducted by KRC Research and Weber Shandwick. They found out that millennials are likely than any other generation to believe that the information they get on social media is accurate. However, other statistics from the resume writer show that 80% of the millennials are concerned about the accuracy of health information on online platforms.

There were other findings from the study that should worry about medical professionals too. When asked if they agreed with a series of statements, only 49% of them reported feeling satisfied with the information received from doctors.

That was the lowest percentage of all previous generations in the study. Additionally, 55% of millennials said that the information they could get on the internet was more reliable than what the doctors told them. 38% of the millennials in the study also agreed to trust their peers more than physicians.


As we’ve discussed, you’ve probably noted that health care practitioners cannot engage with millennials as they did with previous generations.

This means that medical practitioners and organizations need to invest heavily in technology and help people differentiate between reliable and accurate health information and unreliable information on the internet. Similar to other industries, healthcare needs to change to connect with the growing millennial population that’s taking over the world.


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