Looking after the patient experience should be one of a healthcare provider’s biggest priorities. Is it possible healthcare tech advancements can help?

On average, Americans spend $11,172 per person on healthcare as of 2018. Incorporating healthcare tech into your practice will turn your patients into happy campers.

In 2018, healthcare spending increased by 4.6%. Now that people are paying more for healthcare, they’re shopping for healthcare services in a manner that’s similar to how they stop for other necessities.

There’s a lot of competition in the healthcare world. But will using technology in healthcare really make you stand out in positive ways?

Here’s what you should know about how healthcare tech affects patient experience:

Appointment Reminders and Confirmation

Thanks to healthcare technology, patients can confirm their appointments through text or email. All they have to do is follow a link or respond to the automated message.

You can also send automatic appointment reminders to patients via text or email. They’ll appreciate getting a reminder they can use for reference later on.

Both of these functions will improve appointment attendance amongst patients. In turn, this reduces your “no show” rate.

Digital Forms

Paperless forms are one of the most noticeable improvements in hospital tech that benefit patient experience. Admitting patients is easier with digital patient consent forms because they take less time to process.

Digital forms also allow patients to enter their information prior to their appointment. This saves time and makes treatment more convenient for the patient.

Some healthcare businesses even have a mobile tech tool that helps patients check on their forms to see how they’re processing. Patients trust healthcare practices that are transparent and upfront. Speaking of transparency:

Record Accessibility

The sooner your patients can access their records digitally, the better their patient experience will be. It’s easier to access records digitally than it is to hold onto paperwork.

Special hospital technical software enables patients to access their records through an online portal. With a username and password, they’ll be able to go through their records from any location that has internet access. Patients will appreciate having all their necessary medical records in one place.

If you want to improve patient experience, look into healthcare solutions that increase record accessibility and transparency. The aforementioned link will tell you more about that and other important developments in healthcare tech you should know about.


Certain apps have made communication between health professionals, patients, and their loved ones. EASE (Electronic Access to Surgical Events), for example, is a technological tool/app that allows surgical teams to send updates on the progress of a patient’s surgery.

Surgical teams can even send photos and videos through this app. Think of it as the HIPAA-compliant version of Snapchat! People who use this app appreciate how it improves communication and reduces “waiting room anxiety.”

Healthcare Tech Has Your Back

Around 71% of Millennials prefer scheduling appointments through apps. Nonetheless, using updated healthcare tech will make your practice more appealing to patients of all ages.

As technology advances, more aspects of healthcare will become digitized. Experts think that using technology will make healthcare more efficient and affordable.

Show your patients that you care—read more of our articles about patient engagement and portals. The knowledge will benefit you and others you work with as well.

As an additional resource please checkout the infographics below:

This infographic was created by Specialdocs, a concierge medicine insurance billing group

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