Ringing in the ears or tinnitus comes as a result of many causes. However, it’s not a disease but a symptom of another illness. Tinnitus affects many people in their lives and is mostly caused by damages to the tiny hairs located in your inner ear. These damages cause your brain to receive wrong signals which later translates as ringing in your ears. This condition is more likely to affect the ageing, although there are other causes. Most people with this condition tend to experience sleep problems, anxiety and depression. The ringing in the ears can come and go, or last a lifetime. Here are some tinnitus triggers you should know.

  1. Age-related hearing loss: As you age, you may notice that the quality of your hearing reduces. It could even get worse, depending on the trigger. The ringing can affect one or both ears. If you are 60 years and above, your chances of getting tinnitus increases. It’s easy to identify tinnitus due to the high-frequency sound it produces.
  2. Loud sounds: This is the most common cause of ear ringing. Attending concerts or other events requiring loud music to entertain guests could be harming your ears without your knowledge. The symptoms will only manifest after some time. Also, loud machinery or backfiring engine can affect your ear in terms of hearing loss or pain. If possible, try to avoid loud sounds that could harm your ear. If you are using headphones, adjust the volume to the required level. Loud noises can temporarily or permanently damage your ear.
  3. Excessive earwax: This sticky stuff in your ear performs a vital function. It traps dirt or any other foreign material that finds itself inside your ears. However, the ear wax washes away to prevent pile up, which could lead to excess accumulation of the wax. Too much earwax can lead to hearing loss. Don’t put anything in your ear trying to remove the wax. You may end up damaging your ears or worsening the condition. To clear excessive wax, an accessible & affordable tinnitus treatment designed by a specialist doctor will help detect the cause, and the treatment action to take.
  4. Specific prescriptions: Before you consume any medicine, kindly take your time to read its side effects. Also, it isn’t a good idea to purchase over-the-counter drugs without a doctor’s prescription or advice. You may end up buying medicines that trigger tinnitus. Or, they can worsen your condition to the extent of making the ringing much louder. According to NSAIDs, Drugs prone to causing tinnitus include diuretics, specific antidepressants, and cancer medicines, among others. If you notice any ringing in the ear with a particular medication, you will need to stop taking it. Most people recover or have improved symptoms after cutting off or treating their tinnitus triggers.
  5. Ear and sinus infections: Tinnitus could arise due to an ear or sinus infection, especially during cold seasons. These kinds of diseases affect your earing but do not last long. Treating the infection should solve the ringing. But tinnitus as a result of ear and sinus infection should resolve on its own as you recover.
  6. Stress: You don’t believe it, of course, it can cause ringing ears. Always find some time to relax as well as exercising, and taking deep breaths to reduce your stress. Other things like massage or acupuncture will help relax your body. If you don’t see any improvements, your doctor will help you with tips to manage the stress.
  7. Smoking: A smoking habit can cause serious problems not only in your ear but your whole body. The nicotine found in cigarettes or other products can worsen your tinnitus. The act of smoking narrows your blood vessels supposed to transfer oxygen to your ears. To make it worse, it can increase your blood pressure, which is also another tinnitus trigger.
  8. Caffeine: Try to reduce your coffee of cola intake to manage your tinnitus. The ringing may reduce. Caffeine has components that can trigger the blood pressure to rise, therefore worsening your ear ringing. Stop talking or cut it to see if your tinnitus gets better.


Tinnitus has numerous triggers, some of which are still undergoing research. However, some tinnitus triggers like loud noises, and certain drugs can be avoided. If your tinnitus is giving you sleepless nights, anxiety, and depression, gets an accessible and affordable treatment designed by a specialist doctor. This will help manage and treat your condition. Other conditions that can make your tinnitus worse include anemia, thyroid issues, and structural problems in your inner ear. Whatever might be the reason, work out with your doctor to find out a way of treating it.

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