Unfortunately, when it comes to clarifying the connection between alcohol and Alzheimer’s Disease, there is no clear answer. For many years, it has been believed that a small amount of alcohol, such as a cup of red wine a day was beneficial for mental functioning. However, more recent research has suggested that alcohol, even in small amounts, can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.
There is a positive link between long-term alcohol consumption and dementia. However, Alzheimer’s is a particular form of dementia, and researchers have not clearly defined what causes its development. Over the years, research has identified several links between Alzheimer’s and various elements such as alcohol, but there is no definitive cause.
Considering that regular, long-term alcohol consumption can lead to dementia and possibly increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease, which is irreversible and incurable, it is important to take a serious look at how much and how often you drink alcohol. According to medical experts, five or more drinks a day is considered binge drinking.
For many people, it may be unclear to them if they have a drinking problem. While there is no definitive test to take to determine if you have a drinking problem, there are signs to watch out for, as described by addiction service facilities. The first sign you may have a drinking problem is that you are contemplating whether or no you have a problem. Essentially, if you are drinking enough and frequently enough that you think it may be a problem, it likely is a problem.
When you only drink occasionally, the consequence is a hangover. However, when you have a high tolerance for drinking, you may stop having hangovers and feel all-around bad the next day. Regular drinking can cause fatigue, anxiety, depression, stomach pain, and headaches. The third sign is if you are experiencing negative consequences of your drinking, such as legal problems, tickets, getting fired or in trouble at work, and failed relationships.
The fourth sign is that you struggle to find balance when it comes to drinking. This may mean that you struggle to control how much you drink while drinking. Finally, the last sign that you may have a drinking problem is that you wonder what your life may be like without alcohol.
Withdrawing from alcohol can be dangerous and lead to severe medical conditions, including seizures and stroke, if not done under medical supervision. Regardless of where you live, there are detoxification and treatment options. For example, there are several options for alcohol rehab in Los Angeles and other areas of California, so regardless of where you live, you can find a facility that matches your needs, comfort level, and insurance.
When recovery from alcohol abuse, the greatest successes have been found in individuals that participate in an ongoing recovery program such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The AA program was designed in the 1930s and has created the foundation for many other 12-step programs. The guiding principles of AA have also been used to develop similar programs for recovery from alcohol abuse.
While the connection between alcohol and Alzheimer’s is still a little vague, researchers are continuing their work to determine the exact causes of Alzheimer’s Disease, which includes links to alcohol consumption. If you are a regular drinker and find out you have other risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s Disease, you need to look at ways to reduce your overall risk.
If reducing your risk includes the need to reduce or eliminate alcohol, you can get help through in-patient or out-patient alcohol addiction services and alcoholism support group meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
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