The nervous system of a human being is one of the most intricate structures of our body. Because of its complex nature, there is a great deal of training and skill needed to practise neurology, or the medicine involving the nerves. The neurologists have a great deal of responsibility involving treatment of conditions like migraine headaches, reflex disorders and even serious conditions like tumours and brain injuries.

Who is a neurologist?

A neurologist is a doctor who is a specialist in neurology or precisely treating the complications of the nervous system. The nervous system has two basic subdivisions, the peripheral and the central nervous system. It also includes the spinal cord and the brain. The illnesses, injuries and the disorders involving the nervous system require the intervention of a neurologist, in terms of treatment and management.

What are the functions of a neurologist?

The neurologists treat and manage neurology related problems or conditions within the nervous system. The various symptoms which require the help of a neurologist are:

  • Coordination problems
  • Weakness in muscles
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • A change in sensation

People who are facing problems with their senses like touch, smell or vision may also need to consult a neurologist. The problems with the senses are caused by disorders in the nervous system.

The neurologists are also responsible for treating persons with the following conditions:

  1. Multiple Sclerosis
  2. Seizure disorders like epilepsy
  3. Stroke
  4. Neuromuscular disorders like myasthenia gravis
  5. Headaches like cluster headaches and migraine
  6. Infections in the nervous system including brain abscesses, encephalitis and meningitis.
  7. Neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease
  8. Spinal cord disorders including autoimmune disorders and inflammatory conditions

What are the subspecialties?

As the nervous system is a complex structure, a neurologist can specialize in a specific area related to the same. Some of the subspecialties include:

  • Neuromuscular medicine
  • Headache medicine
  • Neurocritical care
  • Geriatric neurology
  • Intervention neuroradiology
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Vascular cases like strokes
  • Child neurology
  • Autonomic disorders
  • Epilepsy

 Neurological cancer complications – Treated by Experts

Out of the many kinds of systemic cancer, there are many of them which are of a neurological type. Neurological challenges are quite common when it comes to patients suffering from cancer. The issues are most likely to occur after the patient has undergone chemotherapy so that the cancer cells could be eliminated and to reduce the size of the tumours.

It is very important for cancer patients to understand the types of challenges they have to face during every stage of progression of the disease. Let us learn a little bit about neurological cancer complications that are very common.

Brain Metastases

This is considered to be the most common of all the neurological side effects associated with cancer. In this condition, cancer from one part of the body spreads to the brain. Various types of tumours may also travel to the brain. The tumours are identified as melanomas or sarcomas. These neurological cancer complications occur as a result of the extended growth of an already existing tumour.

Leptomeningeal Metastases

This condition typically affects women who are suffering from breast cancer. Medically, it is also known as Carcinomatous Meningitis. The breast cancer spreads to that area of the brain that is identified as Meninges. The two most common manners by which metastases spread to this part of the brain are either through already developed brain metastasis or through the bloodstream.

Metabolic Encephalopathy

This is the next kind of cancer complication. Metabolic Encephalopathy is a type of damage which occurs to the brain. The brain does not receive enough glucose in this condition. In many cases, it could also result from disruption of oxygen to the brain or any other type of deficiency. The dysfunction of any other organ may also result in this cancer complication.

Doctors in India

India boasts of the presence of some of the best neurological doctors. They are not only qualified par excellence but also have enough years of experience to deal with every kind of situation. The neurologists are experienced in treating the following neurological conditions and more:

  • Epilepsy, fainting and dizziness
  • Chronic tension or stress-related migraine and headache
  • Autism and other learning disabilities
  • Persistent spinal problems and backache
  • Short-term memory loss and dementia
  • Cancers and tumours
  • Parkinson’s disease and cerebral stroke
  • Meningitis
  • Nerve-related issues like stress and nervous tensions and trauma cases
  • Sleep apnoea, semi-somnia and insomnia

Neurology is a vast medical field and requires the intervention of some of the best doctors and the support of the best infrastructure.

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