The FUT is the Follicular Unit Transplantation method of hair transplant that was developed in the early 2000s, and used to be the best choice for hair transplants. Today, there are much better techniques available, such as the DHI, and in particular the FUE method of hair transplant surgery.

The DHI is the newest of the techniques but it is not that commonly done since it is so new. The FUE is still more common and popular and is the procedure of choice of most reputable clinics around the world.


There is a risk of complications and problems arising from any type of hair transplant surgery procedure, including the FUE. However, the risk of problems is higher with the FUT than with the FUE. The FUT does have the advantage of being a lower cost procedure that may be done more quickly, but the increased chance of complications is a big negative for the procedure.

The most serious complication is an infection, and a big problem with the FUT is that it does involve a large incision being made at the back of the head. This large cut into the tissues on the back of the head means that more skin and blood is exposed to the air and to potentially pathogenic organisms. It is, however, possible to have an FUT done without getting an infection, so if you do choose to have this type of hair transplant done, then you should make sure it is at a reputable clinic.

The other problem with the FUT is that it does leave a large visible scar, which means it is a problem if you want to ever wear your hair very short. Some men may want to have very short hair which then makes it a problem to hide the signs that a surgical procedure was done.

The FUE method

The FUE is no doubt the most commonly performed hair transplant procedure today, giving good results for most people who have it done. You can read more about hair transplantation and the FUE procedure by visiting the Vera Clinic.

Even with the FUE procedure, there is some risk of complications but these are much lower than with the FUT. The big advantage of the FUE is that only small incisions are made since individual follicular units are extracted from the scalp.

The fact that only small cuts are made means that there is a lower risk of infection and only minimal bleeding. At the same time, only very small scars are made which is much better for patients in terms of both recovery and healing time and appearance.

There is likely to be some swelling even after a FUE procedure, but most clinics will give you advice and even an aftercare kit to help cope with the immediate recovery from the surgery. A consultation is a good idea if you are considering having the FUE and the specialists can at that time advice you on the procedure.