The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be subtle. You may think that you’re just tired and overwhelmed. You may have trouble losing weight or concentrating. You feel like if you just got a little more sleep you’d be fine – but there’s never enough sleep. If that sounds like you, you may have hypothyroidism.

Medications can help treat this common condition, but there are other things that you can do to ease the symptoms of hypothyroidism now.

4 Ways to Reduce the Pain of Living With Hypothyroidism

 Eat healthy meals

The symptoms of hypothyroidism include trouble losing weight and a quick sap of energy. Whether weight management is an issue for you or not, experts recommend that people with this condition eat small meals interspersed throughout the day instead of three big meals.

Switching up your eating habits helps your body use the energy you give it as you feel it. What you fuel it with makes a difference, too. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Fats are okay, but make sure they are healthy fats. You should notice a boost in your energy levels soon after making the switch.

Incorporate light exercise into your day

Before you argue, think about this. Being fatigued and struggling with your weight also means that you most likely experience bouts of depression. Exercise helps all three of these problems, so why not find a routine that works for you?

Exercise boosts energy and produces chemicals in your brain that are known as stress relievers. They fight depression. You’ll feel good all over; you just have to get there. Maybe hitting the gym isn’t your cup of tea, but you can try walking throughout your neighborhood, getting a friend or two together to start exercising or joining a yoga class. Cardio, strengthening, and flexibility should be your focus.

Minimize your stress

For some people, this is laughable. How do you minimize such a complex part of life? If you can’t eliminate stressful individuals or situations in your life, maximize what you can do that makes you feel good.

Take walks in nature, meditate when you can, read a book. Listen to music, make time for your friends, and focus on what you enjoy. Even half an hour a day spent doing things that relieve stress can counteract hours of pressure.

Let yourself sleep – to a point

With hypothyroidism, you constantly feel drained of energy, whether you are sleeping all day or not at all. A healthy sleep schedule is between 6 and 8 hours a day. Since you’re probably feeling tired anyway, don’t succumb to the urge to hit the snooze button.

Sticking to a sleep schedule will help your brain and body perform better when it’s done consistently and will also improve your mood and productivity.

You Don’t Have to Suffer

 Those who live with hypothyroidism often use it as their excuse to go through life passively. They’re too tired to have adventures or follow their dreams and goals. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

Like with any other chronic condition, the key is to find a treatment that works for you. Take responsibility for what you eat, how you exercise, and how much you sleep. Reduce your stress levels. Take the control of your life back from hypothyroidism and put it in your own hands where it belongs.

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