Access to the state of health care services is something that we can all agree will be a good thing for this country. Experiencing a serious illness is one of life’s biggest challenges and it is positively frightening to face it without paying for it. But as we shall see, once we know the facts, we will find that achieving this goal will not be easy without our individual contribution.
First, let’s get a little historical perspective on American health care. This purpose is not intended to be anecdotal on this date, but it does give us an idea of ​​how the health care system and our expectations for it develop.
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What made more and more expenses go away?
To get started, let’s turn to the American Civil War. In this war, genocide with the resort of history and the modern weapons of this era produced dire consequences. It is not generally known that most of the casualties on both sides of the war were not the result of actual fighting, but rather what happened after the wounds suffered on the battlefield. To begin with, the evacuation of the injured went at a crooked pace and this led to a severe delay in the treatment of the injured.
Second, many wounds were subjected to wound care, associated surgery and or erosion of the affected organs and often resulted in widespread infection. So you only have to pay for death at the hands of medical care providers. Survivors of war wounds, though their good intentions were often fatal. At a time when immune biotic were not present, the high death toll could be due to daily illnesses and illnesses. In all, 600,000 deaths occurred by all means, currently more than 2% of the US population!
How American diseases continued
Let’s take a look at some of the extras in the first half of the 20th century and take us to the modern era. Go. After the Civil War, American diseases continued to improve both understanding and treatment of certain diseases, new surgical techniques and therapeutic education. But for the most part doctors, the best way for doctors to present their patients was “wait and see.”
Madison can handle bone fractures and try increasingly dangerous surgeries (now widely performed in sterile surgical environments), but medicines are not yet available to cure serious illnesses. The majority of deaths were the result of unbearable conditions such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, and measles and / or related complications. Doctors were more and more aware of heart and vascular conditions and cancer, but they had almost nothing to cure.
Medical history support
This basic overview of American medical history helps us to understand that until recently (around 1950) we had practically no technology that could treat serious or minor ailments. Here’s an important point that we need to understand. “Treating you with any kind of treatment does not mean that if you are suffering from an emergency, the cost will be reduced if you see a doctor. Source – There was no such thing as health insurance, and certainly not employer-provided health insurance – for those uninsured who need to go to charity hospitals.
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