What are the common symptoms of detoxing? We listed the signs you should watch out for to know if your body is detoxing.

Addiction is an insidious illness that convinces its people that there is no hope. People who are addicted to any kind of drug, whether its alcohol or opioids, will believe that they’ve reached the end of their ropes. People who are addicted to drugs think there’s no hope because detoxing can actually be painful.

The symptoms of detoxing can vary between drugs, yet they’re all challenging in some way. Detoxing off hallucinogens or stimulants like marijuana or cocaine can have severe emotional effects. Other kinds of drugs, like alcohol or opioids, produce severe and potentially fatal physical symptoms.

The symptoms are always severe, no matter how they’re felt. People who are trying to recover from their addictions will want to use again just to end the symptoms of detoxing. Yet, that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope for them. Anyone can overcome addiction with enough support and work.

Keep reading below to learn more about the symptoms of detoxing, so that you can identify them and help people recover, or help yourself recover.

Symptoms of Detoxing Can be Physical or Emotional

It doesn’t matter whether someone is experiencing physical or emotional symptoms — they will always be severe. They come as a result of their bodies creating a dependence on whatever they were using. They biologically and psychologically feel a need for the substance just to get through the day.

The longer they used whatever substance they were using, the more intense symptoms will be. And users who preferred higher doses will experience worse symptoms as a result of a deeper biological dependency. Detoxing is the process of learning how to live without drugs, and it can be a hard lesson.

Keep reading below to learn more about which drugs usually produce different kinds of symptom, and the specific ones you can expect to see.

Hallucinogens Create Real Emotional Symptoms

Hallucinogens like marijuana, LSD, and especially DMT usually have lasting psychological impacts. There are trips that some people don’t ever fully return from. Here are some of the symptoms you can expect to see from a hallucinogenic drug detox:

  • Changes in Appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Dizziness
  • Weight Changes
  • Decreased Sex Drive

A person detoxing from hallucinogenic drugs need to rebuild their connection with reality, and that will result in emotional symptoms.

Opioid and Alcohol Detoxing is a Physical Challenge

Some drugs, like opioids and alcohol, create a biological dependence. The brain simply starts to get used to their presence, and without it, the body forgets how to function. It’s as if removing drugs from a person’s life removes something from their biological makeup.

Here are some of the physical symptoms you can expect during a detox:

  • Aches and Pains
  • Exhaustion
  • Sweating
  • Watery Eyes
  • Cramping
  • Vomiting

Learning how to live without some kinds of drugs can be more than just a challenge. It can be painful, and all anyone can do is try to work through it.

Detoxing Alone Can be Harmful

Heavy users may try to detox by themselves, in an attempt to regain control of their lives. However, detoxing alone can be dangerous as recovering addicts won’t have anyone to turn to for help if they need it. You need someone to watch over you while you detox.

That’s what places like Inspire Malibu are here for. Contact facilities like them whether you’re trying to recover from prescribed drugs or illicit ones. They’re there to help, no matter what.

Detoxing is the First Step Towards Recovery

No matter the symptoms of detoxing you may have to go through, recovery is always worth it. And you’re never alone during it. And if you don’t believe, just keep reading here. Our content will remind that no matter how hard recovery may seem, you’re not alone during it, and it’s worth it in the end.