There are a variety of elderly health issues that plague senior citizens. These are the ones that you need to be the most aware of…
There are 50 million Americans that are over the age of 65. That number has gone up over the last two decades and is expected to continue rising all the way through the year 2060.
Given the volume of seniors, chances are that you are or know somebody that is considered elderly.
Getting old isn’t a bad thing of course. With age comes confidence, knowledge, and a tight-knit network of relationships that you’ve cultivated over many years.
There are some downsides to getting on in life though. The primary drawback is health concerns.
In this article, we outline a number of the most common elderly health issues that you should be aware of in order to better avoid and/or work to manage them. At alzheimers respite care at MACG, we have created homes across 8 different locations
Heart Disease
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Because of that, it’s no wonder why seniors often suffer from it.
There are a variety of things that can heighten your risk of heart disease in old age. A history of smoking, genetics, and lack of exercise all being primary contributors.
To try and keep this elderly health issue from entering your life, doctors recommend a healthy diet and staying physically active to the best of your ability. Also, try to keep your blood pressure in-check by practising stress management techniques.
A problem that is closely related to heart disease is obesity. As a nation, obesity rates have skyrocketed across all age groups in recent history.
That number has particularly affected young people and seniors.
While poor eating habits are generally the cause of obesity in young people, lack of exercise is what brings on obesity most commonly in people over the age of 65. We understand that other health issues make exercise difficult for some senior citizens. It’s important to know though that there are low impact ways of staying active.
For example, many seniors find themselves enjoying water aerobics which gives participants a workout while not adversely impacting the skeletal system.
If you’re a senior and you’re experiencing flu-like fatigue, weight changes, and blurry vision, diabetes may be to blame.
Over 100 million Americans have diabetes. This disease is especially prevalent in Native American, Black, and Hispanic communities.
A combination of lifestyle choices and genetics bring on type-2 diabetes while complications in your immune system, many of which are out of your control, are what brings about type-1 diabetes.
The best way to combat type-2 diabetes is to, again, eat healthily and exercise regularly.
There are hundreds of different types of arthritis. No matter which kind you experience as a result of elderly health issues, the result is the same.
Painful inflammation of the joints.
To help prevent arthritis, take proper care of your joints. You can do this by stretching regularly and by avoiding harmful activities like joint cracking.
Furthermore, a proper diet and exercise regimen can work to solidify your joint’s muscles and consequently, protect them from excessive wear and tear.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death among adults. There are a number of cancer strains out there, each of which is brought about by different factors.
Cancer prevention in senior citizens is best approached by making healthy lifestyle choices and working with your physician to schedule regular screenings.
When cancerous masses are identified quickly, they can often be removed to prevent the issue from spreading further.
6 million people across the United States have Alzheimer’s disease. Many of them are in the 65 and overpopulation.
Alzheimer’s is one of many brain-related elderly health issues that fall under the umbrella of dementia. With Alzheimer’s, sufferers gradually lose their ability to carry out everyday tasks, they lose memories and eventually need the help of professional organizations like Seasons Memory Care in order to live a respectable life.
Stimulating yourself mentally and leading a healthy lifestyle are strong strategies when it comes to keeping Alzheimer’s at bay. Properly managing your stress can also help.
Complications From Falls
Experiencing a fall as a child or as an adult is not usually caused for concern. As a senior though, falls can be fatal.
When you age, your bones become weaker which make breaks more likely. When breaks occur, your body’s ability to mend them is also hampered as a senior which makes matters worse.
Falls and the resulting damage can lead to other issues brought on by bodily trauma such as infection which could be fatal.
Avoiding falls can be accomplished by working with a loved to mitigate various fall risks around your home. Many seniors find that using walkers or having around-the-clock assistance helpful as well.
If you ever experience a fall, even if you think that you’re okay, call for help and get examined by a medical professional.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is not something that’s talked too much about in regard to seniors citizens. The truth is though that seniors often develop a dependency on the medication that they’re taking which can lead to full-blown addiction.
If you find yourself taking more than what you’re prescribed of a particular medication, discontinue use and engage with your doctor immediately.
Closing Out the Elderly Health Issues That You Should Be Aware Of
Common elderly health issues can usually be avoided by maintaining a good diet and staying active. Work with your doctor today to come up with a game-plan that allows you to live a healthy lifestyle without overstraining yourself.
Also, continue getting educated on health concerns and what you can do to avoid them by reading more free content on our site today.
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