Text messaging is the most effective way of communicating. According to sources, text messages are opened at a rate of 98% which is astounding when you compare it to emails which are opened at only 20%. What this means is that when you want to reach somebody with valuable information, you’re more likely to have that information read and acted upon if you send a text as opposed to an email.

In this article, we look at how your employees and your company will benefit from an automated text messaging service, which will increase efficiency and revenue for your company.

 Higher Response

As mentioned above, text messages have a much higher open and response rate than most other forms of communication right now, especially amongst the younger crowd. In fact, most younger people see phone calls as intrusions and prefer to handle most of their communication via text.

Knowing all of that, you can see why it’s essential that your company makes use of an automated text messaging service to better communicate with your staff. Text messaging keeps them engaged and ensures that your messages are being received and acted upon. Also, since we all carry our phones with us all day, we’re more likely to read a text and respond than with other forms of communication.

 Personalized Messaging

If your company is sending out mass texts, then chances are these texts are impersonal, which isn’t bad, but you’ll get a higher response if you tailor your message to a particular person or group. An automated text messaging service can take care of this for you, and this will increase the chances of getting a response.

 Faster Hiring Process

Since people are more likely to respond to text messages, it’s easy to see why using this type of communication for staffing is ideal. When you target those individuals you want to hire via text, they’re more likely to reply, which decreases the time it takes to go from application to hiring, which makes your company more efficient. Also, making the hiring process easier and quicker saves you money.

 Volume Management

Most staffing companies have to deal with multiple potential hires at any given time, and managing all the texts that have to be sent out can be a full-time job in itself, and most staffing companies can’t afford to have an employee do that all day. So, having a dedicated automated texting service makes sense because it takes the burden off your shoulders and allows you to focus on the more critical aspects of running your company.

 Scheduling & Polling

Another great benefit to using an automated text service is that you can schedule when your texts go out. Sometimes you’ll want the text to go out in a few days or a week from now. And lastly, sending out mass texts is a great way to poll your clients to find out what you’re doing right and where you might improve.

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Ron Kinkade is the Director of Marketing at Call-Em-All, an automated calling and group texting company that provides solutions for small and medium sized businesses, large corporations, membership organizations, community groups, and individuals. Ron has more than 15 years of experience with a proven track record of success. Ron is a graduate of Illinois State University.

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