Although the traditional 12 Step approach to recovery used in AA and NA meetings is the most recognizable source of help for substance abuse, it is not for everyone. 12 step process appeals to a demographic of people who have a strong belief in a being or entity more powerful than themselves who they can call on for moral guidance towards recovery.

Non-12 step programs for treating substance abuse have been emerging in numbers in the decades since the traditional recovery support system was founded. There are now almost 15,000 rehab centers across the US and many of them, like Elevate, offer non-12 step programs for substance abuse rehab.

It is essential that individuals are aligned with the principles of the rehab program they opt for, particularly as a continuum of care is always necessary, sometimes for a lifetime. Addiction is a chronic relapsing condition that remains a constant challenge to overcome and so it is important people are engaged and connected with therapeutic support for as long as they need it.

SMART Recovery in Non 12 Step Rehab

Elevate’s substance abuse treatment programs include a component of Self-Management and Recovery Training or SMART. SMART is a leading addiction support group that encourages self-empowerment for long-term recovery, which resonates well with Elevate’s holistic approach to addiction treatment.

SMART is a four-point program containing the following elements:

  • Building and maintaining motivation
  • Coping with cravings, triggers, and stressors
  • Managing thoughts, emotions and behaviors
  • Living a balanced and healthy life

Elevate programs are based on a strong belief that individuals should not be defined by their substance abuse. We use a combination of holistic and evidence-based therapies to treat addiction that seeks to address the root causes of substance abuse. The SMART Recovery support system is based on the same principles and serves to boost motivation to maintain sobriety. For people seeking non-12 step rehab, they can be assured that Elevate programs contain no religious or spiritual elements.

What Is Non 12 Step Rehab?

Many people today have a firm belief in scientific evidence rather than religious philosophy and choose non 12 step rehab because they know they have an illness requiring treatment. At Elevate’s non-12 step centers, we offer a wide range of holistic therapies designed to heal the mind, body, and spirit. We also have components of research-based approaches including cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT.

Non-12 step rehab has a completely secular take on treating substance abuse that focuses on identifying the root causes. Holistic and complementary therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, adventure therapy, physical fitness and nutritional awareness work in combination to allow patients to explore their thought, feelings and emotions while achieving physical and psychological renewal.

Non-12 Step is a significant departure from the concept that addiction is a consequence of moral failure. Elevate and other non-12 step centers seek to promote inner transformation for positive mental, physical and psychological improvement.

Non-12 step recovery programs also address the correlation between substance abuse and mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. Because of the mind-altering properties of many substances and alcohol, individuals can sometimes develop the symptoms of depression, anxiety or even (in rare cases) schizophrenia as a consequence of addictive behavior.

The traditional approach of AA and NA does not acknowledge any co-occurring mental illnesses which is a vital consideration for individuals seeking rehab.

How Is Non-12 Step Rehab Effective?

Just because non-12 step programs differ so much in approach, it does not mean the traditional method of addiction recovery is not effective. Addiction is an intensely personal illness affecting people in very different ways and so it is natural to conclude that what works for one person may not for another.

Non-12 step recovery programs like those offered by Elevate places the individual in central focus of treatment. Programs are tailored to the specific mental, physical and emotional health needs of the individual, whereas the traditional 12 step process works on a shared belief system and common goals.

Perhaps the most important consideration for people seeking rehab either for themselves or a loved one is whether they are likely to feel comfortable with the therapies offered. This is crucially important as therapeutic care is generally continued for many years after completing a program and individuals need to remain engaged in their recovery.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of any substance abuse treatment program depends on the individual’s attitudes on addiction. It is also valuable to set recovery goals ahead of choosing a treatment program to establish the lifestyle changes the person envisages making for themselves.

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