One of the biggest problems keeping people from seeking help for depression is the stigma attached to mental health issues. Now a group of people have gotten together for an event, The Depression Confessions, which RDNewsNow called, “a one-day consortium†that was streamed online for anyone who wanted to tune in.
An event like this felt like the perfect way to shine a light on the critical mental health issues and topics that many felt afraid to address.
One of the presenters of the event was a mother, Nova Brinsky, who suffered from depression, and this event was streamed online live where anyone who wanted to check it out and seek help. “We’re discussing life coaching,†Brinsky says. “We’re discussing personal experiences.†. Not unlike the sharing that takes place in traditional AA groups for those with addiction issues, this forum gave a voice to the mental health side of things.
Along with the Depression Confession were a psychiatrist, a life coach, and addiction specialist, and a successful businessman who overcame a suicide attempt. The idea: expose others to people who have been through similar situations and give everyone a chance to hear and be heard.
Brinsky has no plans of slowing down and is hoping to keep these events going throughout 2018 and beyond. With so many people reaching out through online services and apps, you can look for help in privacy. “If you’re one of these people who is a little bit nervous about reaching out, the supports are there. It’s such an under-discussed topic. Everybody tip-toes around it because it’s not talked about enough.â€
In organizing this event, Brinsky added, “This is something that we all feel highly motivated and compelled to do, like it’s our duty to share it. So I think if it’s something that anybody is curious about, we have zero motivations other than helping people get the help that they need and provide another option.â€
It is always inspiring to see people doing their part to make a difference and open the world for others. It is especially poignant to see this take place in a format that is accessible and relevant in the age of digital and online communication.
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