Family members start to see the warning signs early on, but they put it to the back of their minds. Eventually, you’re not left with much of a choice. You need to take your relative to the doctor and you already know what they’re going to say. The person you care about has dementia, so over time they’ll begin to slip away. Thankfully, modern technology allows those suffering from the disease to lead a better life. We’ll touch on a few examples in case you need to look after a loved one.

Reminder Messages

Hopefully you’ve looked into home care packages because they will be a huge help, but there is one obvious flaw. You won’t get access to caregivers around the clock, so there will be times when nobody is there.

In the past, there wasn’t really anything you could do if they lived on their own. Now you’ll be able to leave specific instructions for them at certain times. It’s meant to remind someone what to do if they forget.

Smart Pill Dispensers

These are a little like the last gadget we looked at, but they’ll help caregivers too. Sometimes it’s easy to mess up when someone is taking so many pills. The exact features you’ll get will depend on the model you select.

Every single one of them will beep letting someone with dementia know they need to take their medication. It will dish out the correct pills at exact times. Once they’ve been filled up for the week you can let your hair down.

Monitoring Appliances

Everyone has heard stories about houses burning to the ground because appliances weren’t switched off. Do you think someone with dementia will remember to do it? This is risky when you don’t live with a family member full-time.

You can actually put a monitoring device in between the outlet and appliance, which will tell you when something isn’t switched off. Also, it will tell you when it’s not been switched on and you can remind them to eat.

GPS Tracking Device

Someone with dementia can find their way home when they’re walking around. It’s almost like their subconscious mind is guiding them, because if you ask they might not have a clue where they are.

Occasionally, they will get lost and won’t be able to find their way home. If they’re wearing one of the new trackers you’ll find them in minutes. You’ll even be able to tell when they’ve left a programmable area.

Photo Phones

Family members who have only recently been diagnosed with dementia could still be great at remembering phone numbers. In fact, if you forget a random mobile number they might be kind enough to remind you.

What will happen when it gets to the stage where they can’t remember the first 2 digits of your number in an emergency? They’ve created a photo phone that allows sufferers to press a face instead of multiple numbers.

Special Clocks

It’s easy to wake up in the middle of the night and think it’s a completely different time. People with dementia need to know when they’re waking up. What if they start wander through the streets when it’s unsafe.

Special dementia clocks help eliminate some anxiety by telling people when they should be in bed. They’re coming out with amazing door mats too, which will give sufferers a message when they step on it at certain times.

We Might Eventually Beat It One Day

They must be working tirelessly to find a way to slow the disease down. It’s possible they might be able to beat it one day. In the meantime, you should use these gadgets if anyone in your family has dementia.

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