Alcohol consumption in 2016 was met with a decline among American consumers. Wall Street analysts suggest the decrease could be due to the legalization of cannabis in some states; some users turned to cannabis over alcohol. Nonetheless, no confirmations have been made about cannabis being a trending replacement for alcohol.

Unfortunately, despite declining consumption rates, drunk driving deaths in the United States have seen an uptick in recent years. In 2016 an average of 28 people were killed each day due to DUI-related incidents.

This tragic spike has led to an increased effort in the private sector to offer solutions for clamping down on drunk driving. For instance, as the name implies, Low Cost Interlock specializes in the installation of affordable ignition interlock devices, enabling folks of practically all income levels to take hardline measures to prevent drunk driving.

Additionally, the rideshare service Uber has partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Driving to spread awareness about the deadly consequences of drunk driving and how options exist for getting home safely. These efforts in conjunction with public sector enforcement of alcohol laws will hopefully put an end to the increase in annual drunk driving deaths.

Effects of alcohol

Alcoholic beverages may be convenient for relaxation, celebration, and socialization; however, their consumption requires control. Too much indulgence has certain consequences. In some instances, individuals result in overindulgence because they are trying to cope with a difficult experience. Drinking too much leads to addiction and alcohol dependency.

People also risk legal problems through DUI, disorderly drinking, and other domestic disputes. Prioritizing drinking will lead to individuals neglecting their responsibilities. It’s the reason why people are causing problems within their families because of negligence. Others lose their jobs because of incompetence and other problems caused by drinking too much.

After many years of drinking, users risk being affected by diseases such as cancer, heart problems, liver problems, as well as respiratory illnesses such as cirrhosis and pneumonia. Other ways alcohol affects the body include impaired judgment, memory loss, staggering, uncoordinated speech, and irrationality. Families and marriages have broken because of irresponsible use of alcohol. Some effects of alcohol have cost the lives of the users.


Alcoholism and dependency are more an issue of health as opposed to morals. Healthcare professionals have taken measures to treat patients with these problems. They should not be perceived as careless people or outcasts; alcoholism is an illness just like other diseases. After it has been resolved, individuals will lead their lives as usual.

Addressing alcohol problems depend on the individuals’ extent; for instance, dealing with dependency is different from a binge or frequent drinking. Addicted people are recommended to use rehabilitation centers. Breaking free from chemical dependency is hard when doing it at home or alone. Such patients need professional care and guidance through the process of healing.

Patients with slight drinking problems could join a support group, which can give them a chance to express their problems and share them with others. These support groups also offer advice on how to resist urges and stay sober. It is advisable to be in such groups, even after recovery. The associations will protect you from relapsing or from making other risky decisions.

Since alcoholism and addiction are diseases, these patients should not be stigmatized; isolating them will only discourage them from seeking treatment. Family members and close friends should support them as they go through the recovery process. Those that have not begun treatment need to be encouraged. Stigmatization makes the situation worse by making the patient unworthy. Some will suffer loneliness, depression and in severe cases, commit suicide. There is hope for healing for every person struggling with alcoholism.

The role of technology

No one can deny the role technology is playing in our lives nowadays. It is almost touching every aspect of our lives. Among those aspects is alcohol treatment. Hereby are some apps that can aid in alcohol recovery:

I Am Sober

This app helps you in achieving your sober living with a daily counter that helps you reach sobriety milestones towards an eventual recovery from alcohol. 


Using this app, you can set sobriety clocks to track the last time you drank, in addition to finding support groups that would help you along your way to recovery, and more.

Sobriety counter

This app, full of bold colors and icons, helps you in recovery by gamifying your journey. For instance, the app’s dashboard will show you how much money you have saved by not drinking, and more.

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